Controllers and Page Content

Tempest Gamers

New member
I have a very LARGE script I am trying to render in a page. When I made this for myself I did not need to return anything so the script was not fully php and all the html was not in variable, it was just rendered and cut to php where needed.

However, with the controller and route system of adding pages it does not seem to act the same. All content is rendered above the site instead of where it was through the php callbacks.

Do I REALLY need to go through and change this entire script into solid php or is there a way around this?
Sorry, I forgot to add.

It's a XenForo 1.2 feature. So you would need to try it out in the current XenForo 1.2 beta. Of course, it isn't recommended to use XenForo 1.2 for production sites, but it's quite a feasible option for the near future.
Ah, yeah then thats not really an option, my target with this addon is production and as much compatibility as I can provide. Is there another way to achieve this?
Yep :)

Probably this, unfortunately:
Do I REALLY need to go through and change this entire script into solid php or is there a way around this?

My best estimate is that XenForo 1.2 final will likely be released at some point in July. (Assuming Beta 5 on Tuesday, RC 1 the following Tuesday and final the following Tuesday).

I don't think it will take long for the bulk of XenForo users to be using 1.2 thereafter.

It might be worth you downloading the beta, installing it locally and just seeing if the xen:callback produces the desired results or not. If it does, it might be worth doing.
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