XF 2.2 preDispatchController for public controllers


Well-known member
Is there an equivalent for non-admin controllers to do pre-action validations like in the admin panel?

I.e. I would like to run this in my public controller:

protected function preDispatchController($action, ParameterBag $params)
        $visitor = \XF::visitor();
        $auth = $visitor->Auth->getAuthenticationHandler();
        if (!$auth)
            return $this->noPermission();
The preDispatchController method is called on all controllers (admin, public, API).
Hmm, you are right, it looks like it's executing, but the issue is actually that returing $this->noPermission(); doesn't seem to be honored.

Is there an equivalent on the public side?

protected function preDispatchController($action, ParameterBag $params)
    return $this->noPermission();       
The return value isn't captured, you need to throw a response exception. It's the same in the admin controllers.

protected function preDispatchController($action, ParameterBag $params)
    throw $this->exception($this->noPermission());
Summer Driving GIF

Appreciate the help as always!
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