Competitions for XenForo [Deleted]

Why is it that when I test user access rights from Admin panel for users, the competition permissions wont show properly? But when I log in as that user, it works OK.

Was under the impression that XF permissions and add-on permissions should be the same when test, as loging in?
The Test Permissions system just doesn't work like that, regardless of whether it is an add-on or XF permission, it's especially compounded when you're testing permissions that technically aren't permissions in the traditional sense. For example, the per competition "permissions" (such as those to enter or view a competition) aren't actually permissions, they are just settings that store a list of user groups that can do each thing. Permissions are those that are set in the Admin CP at the global, user or content level, and only those can be evaluated with Test Permissions or Analyze Permissions system.
The Test Permissions system just doesn't work like that, regardless of whether it is an add-on or XF permission, it's especially compounded when you're testing permissions that technically aren't permissions in the traditional sense. For example, the per competition "permissions" (such as those to enter or view a competition) aren't actually permissions, they are just settings that store a list of user groups that can do each thing. Permissions are those that are set in the Admin CP at the global, user or content level, and only those can be evaluated with Test Permissions or Analyze Permissions system.

@Chris D Just a quick question, you were talking about a future update a page back or two. But no ETA.
Is there something you are thinking about to add as functionality to the competition tool?

Would like to see this go further and being developed on, then lost in the resources bin forever. Such a nice thing to provide my users with.
@Chris D , considering purchasing this plugin and I'm 99.9% sure I want it.

However, one must have feature for me would be the ability to set a required post amount to enter the competitions. For instance, I don't want someone to be able to just sign-up and then enter the competition. I am hoping to make it so that I can require X amount of posts in order to enter the competition.

This prevents people from just signing up to enter the competition and never even bothering to post a single thing. In other words, it gives them an incentive to engage and interact on the forum.

Does this plugin currently offer such a feature?
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Hi, I just noticed a small "feature" in this.

If I create a competition, then save it and then edit it later - the "Create thread by:" is emptied. Noticed just before publishing a competition this morning!
Still happens with the current version (1.2.0); at first I was thinking I had left it blank by accident. :coffee:
When viewing the list of entrants there is an option to "Change Result" but is it possible to see in the GUI anywhere what option they actually selected?
No, that isn't exposed unfortunately.

So, a bit clumsy, but it would need to be checked against the database.
@Chris D is it possible to have the {competitiontype} variable available to more phrases like avforums_competitions_territories_explain so that there is consistency in the terms and conditions please? I have created a prize draw but the term competition is hard coded in several phrases.

I tried editing the phrases replacing the word competition with {competitiontype} but instead of displaying 'Prize Draw', it displayed {competitiontype}.
Pre-sales question :)

Is it possible to restrict members from entering a competition if they have previously won a competition in the past?
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