Please like the first post if you think that this is an issue that could use some attention.
I thought it could probably use some attention earlier on myself (see
this suggestion, but please do disregard the large exaggerated Facebook example there
: it simply does not apply), but looking back on that suggestion (to have the comment-field always visible, like Facebook does it) now 4 years later, I think Brogan's point:
IMO, that would look terrible on a page full of profile posts.
... is more important than the 'issue' at hand. I just opened up a profile of someone and that of my own and started to click on 'Comment' on every profile posting on the screen to see how it looks with all empty comment-fields open. And it does look indeed terrible.
I really like the clean/simple outlook of the XF profile screen and what looks/works good on Facebook does not have to look/work good on Xenforo obviously.
Although I do like the fact that Facebook's implementation
stimulates the social interaction. But that's the whole point I think... Facebook's main social interactions/discussions
are taking place in the comments of a post/status update (so it needs to be stimulated there), whereas Xenforo's main social interactions are taking place in the
forum-threads. Hence, why Xenforo
does display a visible avatar of yourself and an open reply field right there, just like Facebook does it in their comments-system. This, the difference in how these platforms operate, is something I did not take into account when I posted my earlier suggestion.
I think it's (near) perfect the way it is now actually how XF implemented it all.
(Also, already suggested recently overhere: