
Well-known member
Hello. I'm looking for Wordpress alternatives, I looked at static generators but after trying some of them I think they need more time to mature. Bolt CMS looks interesting. Anyone here using it? I'd be happy to read some opinions.

Wordpress is bloated, it gives me headaches with updates, it's an attack magnet and after finding this I want to migrate:

Is WordPress Spyware?
Suggest Agenda Items for Dec 17th Dev Ch...

Other good alternatives? October - The PHP platform that gets back to basics. ? it's a labyrinth to find the right cms.
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Give ProcessWire a go. Initially it looks strange, but watch the 'pirate video' that shows you how powerful it is (seriously the video's slightly cringy, but stick with it). It's one of few CMS systems that don't royally screw up when you want to add more content to a page than 'title' and 'body'.

In a nutshell processwire lets you create 'fields', 'templates' and 'pages'.

A field can be anything from a wysiwyg, to a map, to a repeating group of fields, to file uploads, image uploads (with auto thumbnail generation), etc.

You assign fields to templates, then you create a page using that template, and your admin area is built up based on your fields.

On the frontend, you get provided with all the fields, readily formatted for output.

It's a true cms, not a 'sitebuiler' like Wordpress.
A basic CMS would be good for me, simple reading posts from a forum thread is what I'm looking for. I've moved from vBulletin to Xenforo and want to continue using it a lot more, especially testing the media addon recently and very happy to move forward/import all pics from PhotoPost -- which I've done.

If Xenforo doesn't do their own CMS solution, I'll simply do it with my resources and share the results at a basic level.

I have to believe the need is there.

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