
Classifieds [Paid] 1.2.0

No permission to buy ($60.00)
We have an issue when contacting a seller. The page is loading and losding and loading, but the conversation field does not appear. You have to load it in a new tab.

Does someone else have this issue?

Z61 updated Classifieds with a new update entry:

1.0.12 Release

  • New listing view design.
  • Fix custom fields not saving.
  • Fix content not being censored properly.
  • Add per-category listing templates.
  • Added missing phrase for reactions.
  • Fix issues with payment awaiting page.
  • Fix issue where listings weren’t always validated before saving.
  • Add default image for listings with no attachments.
  • Add option to show default image instead of avatars on listing list.
  • Added missing behavior for custom fields to Listing entity...

Read the rest of this update entry...
k thanks for the update, but seems to be an issue

I downloaded update, installed it, went to my category that has existing item fields ready, tried to enter info for a test listing and got this popup

Oops! We ran into some problems.

  • Field {title} is not editable.
  • Field {title} is not editable.
  • Field {title} is not editable.
  • Field {title} is not editable.
  • Field {title} is not editable.
  • Field {title} is not editable.
  • Field {title} is not editable.
  • Field {title} is not editable.
  • Field {title} is not editable.
  • Field {title} is not editable.
  • Field {title} is not editable.
k thanks for the update, but seems to be an issue

I downloaded update, installed it, went to my category that has existing item fields ready, tried to enter info for a test listing and got this popup

Oops! We ran into some problems.

  • Field {title} is not editable.
  • Field {title} is not editable.
  • Field {title} is not editable.
  • Field {title} is not editable.
  • Field {title} is not editable.
  • Field {title} is not editable.
  • Field {title} is not editable.
  • Field {title} is not editable.
  • Field {title} is not editable.
  • Field {title} is not editable.
  • Field {title} is not editable.
This is when editing a category or creating a listing? I'm a tad confused by your message.
i am posting a test listing in a category. This is the error that came up when i submitted the listing
opening each item field and saving has sorted it :)

The item fields are now showing thanks :)

There seems to be an issue still with the forum thread, the subject is "my text advert [Deleted] "

i.e. it is appending [Deleted] to my listing in the forum thread subject ?
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Reactions: Z61
seem to have found another issue related to item fields in that they aren't searchable
so for instance i have a brand field, if a user wants to search all the listings for a particular brand it doesn't work unless I am being stupid (possible) ;)
The thread issue is known and should likely be addressed in the next larger update. I'm not sure if custom fields are currently searchable, but I'll look into it for that same update.
Nice.. 3 days after my subscription expires!!

Will have to look into renewing... however not sure if it's worth it, seeing as i have had Zero use from it so far, and still remaining in Beta...

Come on @Z61 - Convince me!!!! :D
Nice.. 3 days after my subscription expires!!

Will have to look into renewing... however not sure if it's worth it, seeing as i have had Zero use from it so far, and still remaining in Beta...

Come on @Z61 - Convince me!!!! :D
It's probably best for you to wait until the renewal system is integrated since that's what you need to use it IIRC.
Just installed the new update, but the "owl carousel" does not seem to be working. I can click the small pictures and lightbox opens up, and I can scroll through the pictures, but this is not "owl" in operation. I am guessing there should be some arrows etc in listing view.
I'm really liking what I'm seeing of this add-on so far. I am only hesitating because of one missing feature that was already mentioned a while back... ability to refresh an expired listing, or bump it... Much in the way Craigslist does it.

There are a couple other minor things, many of which I can do myself with some template mods, but one important one that comes to mind is that when an item is marked as SOLD, the sold label doesn't show in the listings view or discussion thread view, it only shows once you've clicked into the ad.

Overall, this thing looks fantastic and I'm super enthused to give it a try!
I went ahead and made the purchase, with anticipation that some of the issues I have will be addressed soon, or I can find a workaround myself. ANyway, so far so good! This thing is fantastic! I think my users are really going to love it!

I found two minor bugs though, that I'd like to report:

1. When entering a price, if a user adds the currency symbol, or any other text, the input is accepted, but the price shown ends up as FREE. It's very common for someone to enter "$50.00" or "$50.00 pickup only". If they aren't paying attention and don't see that it changed to "FREE" we could have some angry users!

2. For "Want to buy" ads, the user still has to mark it "sold". "found" would make more sense here. We need to treat "wanted" differently than other listing types.

And of course, the really BIG one for me, is the need to refresh/bump an expired listing.

Thanks for all your hard work!
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Hi wanted to know if this can be set up where you can list free, but get a commission when sold?
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