Check Add-On update [Deleted]

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That is great, but this is something that really really should be in the core. And developers would then have to follow the standards and avoid the malarkey we have seen above.
Absolutly right!
Both addons - check tables and the update checker can save so much time for us admins. Look how long Wordpress have a similar feature and both are functions that reduces our worktime in adminstration.
I've kind of been playing with the thought to create a similar addon at some point as I anyway have quite good knowledge with parsing, and collecting the version numbers shouldn't be that hard :)
Same here, I’ve started (early stage) of developing a similar addon.
Would this be something you would be willing to collaborate on via a github/gitlab public repository?
I left the add-on active until now and it was - as far as functional. Just like the server.
Only because I refused to change something;
I still don't get it: If someone does something on page A then he can do the same on page B? Is this so much to ask? For the fact that I do not understand this, I should be responsible for the convenience of others.

Because I refuse. Otherwise I am actually known for ideas and suggestions within the shortest time to implement.

Because of such a thing that really does not fall into my jurisdiction, I am enormously hostile here. Everyone ereifert itself here from post to post.

That was it then....
I left the add-on active until now and it was - as far as functional. Just like the server.
Only because I refused to change something;
I still don't get it: If someone does something on page A then he can do the same on page B? Is this so much to ask? For the fact that I do not understand this, I should be responsible for the convenience of others.

Because I refuse. Otherwise I am actually known for ideas and suggestions within the shortest time to implement.

Because of such a thing that really does not fall into my jurisdiction, I am enormously hostile here. Everyone ereifert itself here from post to post.

That was it then....
Page A (update page) can be more than just version updates, so can have development posts or hiatus announcements.

Page B (history page) is only version strings. You would have had no issues with just using that specific page.

It never made sense to use the update page for what you were doing, and it is such a small change to account for shorthands that it can only be entitlement or conceit to not make such minor changes.

What developer isn't known for ideas and suggestions? I wouldn't even say you're the fastest, because I have literally had @TickTackk and @Painbaker develop whole add-ons that should take days in a few hours.

What honestly gets me, rather than being stuck up like you were initially, if you had reached out to the developer in questions they are more than willing to work with others more often than not. Most resource providers are more than happy to work with others, or make changes to make the platform a better place. Sadly it seems you were not one of them.
What honestly gets me, rather than being stuck up like you were initially, if you had reached out to the developer in questions they are more than willing to work with others more often than not. Most resource providers are more than happy to work with others, or make changes to make the platform a better place. Sadly it seems you were not one of them.
It's a bit weird to accuse me of not wanting to work with others!

I released the add-on on 08 September, 2 days before - I wrote to 2 add-on developers and pointed out problems (friendly)
One of them was AndyB and the other Ozzy47. The latter I have pointed out several problems such as incorrectly linked add-ons.
There was no reaction from any of them. So to accuse me of having no interest in cooperation - sick!

So and now the topic is done for me here! I may be many things. But neither communication shy nor narrow-minded nor snobbish or anything else.
It's a bit weird to accuse me of not wanting to work with others!

I released the add-on on 08 September, 2 days before - I wrote to 2 add-on developers and pointed out problems (friendly)
One of them was AndyB and the other Ozzy47. The latter I have pointed out several problems such as incorrectly linked add-ons.
There was no reaction from any of them. So to accuse me of having no interest in cooperation - sick!
View attachment 278561

So and now the topic is done for me here! I may be many things. But neither communication shy nor narrow-minded nor snobbish or anything else.

I don't know why Ozzy didn't respond, he has always been responsive to me (even with non-development things), but I can assume he gets a lot of messages. I know at that specific time he and Painbaker were struggling with balancing things because of how much work they had (he said as much in a few threads) 🤷‍♂️.

Calling developers incompetent when they do not follow your preferred standard, or when they do not cater to what you want... Is literally the opposite of not being narrow minded or snobbish (though I still say conceited). Ignoring advice by @mazzly who offered guidance on how to lessen compatibility issues and arguing, and not being willing to make small changes... 🤷‍♂️.

You were the one who made this you vs everyone else situation by your attitude, and it could have sadly just have been fixed by saying "Sorry, I was frustrated, would it be possible to work together to make this better". Of the people I know who dealt with the harassment from this stupid situation, all of them would accept the apology or been willing to work with you. The only reason things go to this point is because you've been unwilling to take criticism or meet people midway, which is disappointing.
Would this be something you would be willing to collaborate on via a github/gitlab public repository?

We have not decided yet.

So and now the topic is done for me here! I may be many things. But neither communication shy nor narrow-minded nor snobbish or anything else.

I'm not sure exactly what happened here, but I'm really hoping someone else comes up with a similar addon. IMO this is one of the missing features of XF.
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