Change Link Text Colors in Default Style


I want the Username, forum name, etc. link text on the forums home page to be relative to @SecondaryDark instead of @PrimaryDark but for the life of me I can't find where to change that in the Style Property Groups..

Anyone know where that is?
Well.. that's what I thought too but it's not changing the color when I modify that element. I have attached a screenshot of the style properties settings at Style Properties > General > Link however if you go to my forum you will see that the Username and forum names are still set to my PrimaryDarker color which is an orange color.

I have not changed any templates at all and have only manipulated the Color Palette up to this point.


  • gmf-styleproperties-general-link.webp
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This is so weird.. if I change the text decoration for Style Properties > General > Link then it immediately takes effect however, if I change the color for Style Properties > General > Link from @PrimaryMedium to something else (@SecondaryDarker for example) it does nothing. Something is apparently overriding that color and I can't figure out what it it is. I have not changed any templates so what could this be?

Any further ideas?
EXTRA.css was empty.. I added the above and still no change. My @SecondaryDarker color is a dark brown but it is staying with whatever color is in @PrimaryMedium which is now a blue color. Shouldn't EXTRA.css take priority over everything else?
Can you take a screenshot and highlight the items you want to change colour?
I will then come up with some code for you to add to EXTRA.css.
I am wanting to be able to change the colors that are outlined in red boxes.. basically forum titles, username links, etc. as shown in the attached:

By the way, I just put in the actual hex code for the color brown instead of @SecondaryDark in EXTRA.css and it worked...


  • color-changes-xenforo.webp
    34.4 KB · Views: 13
Try this.

.node .nodeTitle a:link,
.node .nodeTitle a:visited,
.node .unread .nodeTitle a:link,
.node .unread .nodeTitle a:visited {
color: #cc0000;

.sidebar .visitorPanel .username {
color: #cc0000;

.sidebar .avatarList .username {
color: #cc0000;

Change the #cc0000 to suit, replacing it with @primaryDark or similar.
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