XF 2.0 Change CSS background of sticky


Well-known member
What is the best method to use so that sticky threads are lightyellow?

I'm assuming this in the extra.less; however, I didn't know if there is a property:

.structItemContainer-group.structItemContainer-group--sticky {
Yes. You are using a different element. But is there a better method instead of using the extra.less?

Thank you. I know of that resource but want to know if using extra is the best method or whether there is a property. I should have been more clear

No property for it.
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This appears to work.

.structItemContainer-group--sticky .structItem {

.structItemContainer-group.structItemContainer-group--sticky {
    border-bottom: solid 1px red;
Thank you for clarifying. My next concern is getting a bottom red line for the last sticky. If there are two sticky threads then only the last one has the bottom red line.

Something like this will make it so a border-bottom is always applied even if there's 1 sticky.

.structItemContainer-group--sticky .structItem
    background: lightyellow;
    border-bottom: 2px solid red;

If you want the line to only appear with more than 1 sticky, you could do like a work-around:

.structItemContainer-group--sticky .structItem
    background: lightyellow;
    border-bottom: 2px solid red;
    border-bottom-width: 0;
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