Change amount of featured resources?


Well-known member
When I feature content on my resources section it only displays 2. Is there any way to increase the amount to three?
Changing the width for the featured resource to 298 px seems to work.

You can use .featuredResourceList .featuredResource in EXTRA.css for that.
He gave an entire selector to use -- what you applied was different (only partial), which is why it didn't work as expected.
To do the entire sector do I do this:
width: 298px;
width: 298px;

or this?
width: 298px;

I'm a noob when it comes to stuff like this... so, I'm really unsure what I'm doing.
I recommend editing the original CSS template instead then.
idk where the original css is... and that link you sent me just made me even more confused...

I also tried:
.featuredResourceList .featuredResource
width: 298;
and it still doesn't work, so doing the original css I guess is the only way to do it, but Idk where that is.
Use the template search function.

The guide I linked you to is extremely detailed.
I would be surprised if you can't find it following that.
Use the template search function.

The guide I linked you to is extremely detailed.
I would be surprised if you can't find it following that.
<xen:require css="resource_list.css" />

<ol class="featuredResourceList">
<xen:foreach loop="$featuredResources" value="$resource">
    <li class="featuredResource">
        <div class="resourceImage">
            <xen:if is="{$xenOptions.resourceAllowIcons}">
                <a href="{xen:link resources, $resource}" class="resourceIcon"><img src="{xen:helper resourceiconurl, $resource}" alt="" /></a>
            <xen:else />
                <xen:avatar user="$resource" size="m" img="true" />
        <div class="resourceInfo">
            <h3 class="title"><a href="{xen:link resources, $resource}">{xen:helper resourcePrefix, $resource}{$resource.title}</a></h3>
            <div class="tagLine muted">{$resource.tag_line}</div>
            <div class="details muted"><xen:username user="{$resource}" />,
                <a href="{xen:link resources, $resource}" class="faint"><xen:datetime time="{$resource.resource_date}" /></a>

<xen:title>{xen:phrase featured_resources}</xen:title>

<xen:container var="$searchBar.resourceUpdate"><xen:include template="search_bar_resource" /></xen:container>

<xen:require css="resource_list.css" />

<div class="section">
    <form action="{xen:link resources/inline-mod/switch}" method="post"
        data-imodOptions="#ModerationSelect option">

        <ol class="resourceList">
            <xen:set var="{$showCategoryTitle}">1</xen:set>
            <xen:foreach loop="$resources" value="$resource">
                <xen:include template="resource_list_item" />
        <div class="pageNavLinkGroup">
            <xen:if is="{$inlineModOptions}"><div class="linkGroup InlineMod SelectionCountContainer"></div></xen:if>
            <div class="linkGroup"{xen:if '!{$ignoredNames}', ' style="display: none"'}><a href="javascript:" class="muted jsOnly DisplayIgnoredContent Tooltip" title="{xen:phrase show_hidden_content_by_x, "names={xen:helper implode, $ignoredNames, ', '}"}">{xen:phrase show_ignored_content}</a></div>
        <xen:if is="{$inlineModOptions}">
            <xen:include template="inline_mod_controls_resource" />

I see no width section to edit?
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