Centering a spoiler?


New member
I use a forums frequently and in my signature i want to add a spoiler. Annoyingly i cant seem to center it with the rest of my signature (which is centered using bb code). Does anyone know how to either center the spoiler or adjust the width of the spoiler so it is the same width in pixels as the rest of my signature?
Do you mean the spoiler button or the content?

The button can be centred by wrapping it in the standard center tags.

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I mean the whole orange box that shows up with it, i want to center it on the page, let me take a picture and upload it real quick to show you what i mean
I somewhat get what you are saying but i dont know what acp is. To sum up what i think you are saying i need to contact the site owner to allow the style bb code and then use style width around the spoiler?
I somewhat get what you are saying but i dont know what acp is. To sum up what i think you are saying i need to contact the site owner to allow the style bb code and then use style width around the spoiler?
What he is saying is that only the site owner can access the back end of the forum software and enter the Control Panel for the forum software and make the necessary changes to the style properties to do this.
Anything you do in your browser is only going to apply to YOUR view and for everyone else it will look like it did before.
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