Somehow one of our editors has managed to change the default number gaps between categories from 2 to 100. How can this be returned to default value, or how can I set the value?
They probably used the "Sort" overlay on the category list which allows you to change the order of the categories. We set them programmatically in increments of 100.
You can modify every single category and change them back to smaller gaps if you need to, but I'd definitely be curious as to why you would need to do that rather than just letting them be what we set them to.
OK, yes, he did use the sort button. the categories were imported from vB DragonByte Gallery, and that must be where the number gaps of 2 came from. So my colleague was disturbed to suddenly find them jump to 100 gaps and wondered what he did wrong. No problem, I will reassure him it is OK Many thanks!