Cashing With Zend Opcache


Hi Im trying to use a cache provider

My php build Webtatic only has Memcache, Redis or Zend Opcache

#### Global Caching On/Off ####
$config['cache']['enabled'] = true;

#### Zend Opcache Provider ####
$config['cache']['provider'] = 'Opcache';

#### XenForo user sessions ####
$config['cache']['sessions'] = true;

What do I put for provider if I use Zend Opcache. I tried both opcache and zend and both of them crash up web server.
I guess I could try install Memcache but I already have Opcache installed and in use for another site on server.
So I got it working using Memcache but not sure if Opcache would have been better for resources.

#### Global Caching On/Off ####
$config['cache']['enabled'] = true;

#### Memcached Provider ####
$config['cache']['enabled'] = true;
$config['cache']['provider'] = 'Memcached';
$config['cache']['config'] = [
    'server' => ''

#### XenForo user sessions ####
$config['cache']['sessions'] = true;
#### Global Caching On/Off #### $config['cache']['enabled'] = true; #### Memcached Provider #### $config['cache']['enabled'] = true; $config['cache']['provider'] = 'Memcached'; $config['cache']['config'] = [ 'server' => '' ]; #### XenForo user sessions #### $config['cache']['sessions'] = false;

I had to turn off

$config['cache']['sessions'] = false

It was interfering with registration form not submitting. It just reloads and asks user to re-enter register info. Any info regarding this.
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