XF 1.1 Can't upload thumbnails


Active member
I just upgraded to 1.1.1 and find that I can't upload thumbnails. They appear as full images.

What's to be done about this?
Well strictly speaking you don't upload thumbnails. You upload an image and XF creates a thumbnail for it. The thumbnail will show at the bottom of the post where the attached files are. Or if you choose to inline the image in the post then it gives you a choice of thumbnail or full image.

So what part is not working for you?
When I upload an image and choose "thumbnail" I get an inline image.

And the inline image is not thumbnail-size?

Maybe it's a problem with your image library. Do any image resizing functions work? For example, do the different sizes of avatars work on your forum?

Or maybe it's a problem with that one image. Do other images work?
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