Not a bug Can't upload a 100mb resource

Old Nick

Well-known member
Affected version
I am trying to upload a 107MB pdf document into XFRM but when I reach 100% the progress bar disappears but the file icon does not appear, if I try to submit the resource the system tells me to upload a file or to indicate an external download link.




Settings seems to be correct:

Capture d'écran 2024-09-25 103701.webp

Capture d'écran 2024-09-25 103722.webp

I have a resource whose document is 93MB but I uploaded it under XFRM 2.2... Did 2.3 bring this bug?
Under the first page in ACP, what's your Server environment report state for:
PHP post_max_size 8M
PHP upload_max_filesize 8M

And what's set for Maximum attachment file size (attachmentMaxFileSize) and Allow video/audio uploads with maximum file size (allowVideoUploads) set to?
Are your server settings allowing it above 100mb?

There’s three things to check: the server, XF’s attachment and XF’s resource manager.
The 413 error, also known as the "Request Entity Too Large" or "Payload Too Large" error, occurs when a server rejects a request because the request size is larger than the server's limit.
Under the first page in ACP, what's your Server environment report state for:

And what's set for Maximum attachment file size (attachmentMaxFileSize) and Allow video/audio uploads with maximum file size (allowVideoUploads) set to?
Are your server settings allowing it above 100mb?

There’s three things to check: the server, XF’s attachment and XF’s resource manager.
Are the images not appearing in my message?
XF’s attachment has no impact here, as I said I have uploaded 93MB documents already, my attachment setting is 4MB
There are multiple layers that must accept the payload size:
  1. Any systems in front of the origin server (Cloudflare has a limit of 100 MB for Free / Pro plan, other plans may have higher limits)
  2. The Webserver (client_max_body_size for nginx)
  3. PHP (post_max_size >= upload_max_filesize)
  4. XenForo
The error message hints that there is an issue at layer 1) or 2)
I don't know if pausing CF is enough to get around the 100Mb limit (it should though) but it didn't work...
Maybe there is a delay?

I didn't notice this setting in the @digitalpoint's add-on:

Capture d'écran 2024-09-25 112157.webp

I tried to change the size but indeed:

Capture d'écran 2024-09-25 112130.webp
You would need to disable Cloudflare for your domain or upgrade to a Cloudflare plan that supports larger HTTP upload sizes).

Free and Pro accounts can upload up to 100MB in a single HTTP request, Business accounts can do up to 200MB and Enterprise account can do up to 500MB.

Nothing to do with the addon, rather the limitation is part of the tier for your zone in Cloudflare.
Bingo! My site is managed by CloudFlare.
I will test by temporarily disabling CF...
tracy ran into this on his site that i am staff on.
he had some resources that were over 100mb he needed to upload.
his site and mine run under cloud flare.
he found an add on that does chunk uploads i think he called it.
it allowed him to upload larger than 100mb files to his resource manager.
i can check with him to see what it add on it is but you can probably find it here.
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