XF 2.2 Can't be accessed with iPads

Using 2.2.1, my forum can't be accessed by iPads suddenly, no changes on the server side. Only the title was loaded and hang there. Any ideas? Thanks!
If this site works then it's something specific to your site.

If your site is fairly standard then it could be the server, datacenter, network, etc.
Thanks for the replies, the link is https://www.seniorforums.com

I don't use any cloud service, just a standalone server. There is nothing in the server log or xenforo error log. Another xenforo forum on a different server has the same problem. The requests may not reach my servers, maybe some kind of changes on my ISP's network blocked iPad access?
I just hit it with my wife's iPad Pro (running IOS 15.6) and had no issue... I'm currently updating to 16.5.1 and will see if it is also has no issues.
Is this specific to YOUR iPad or others also?
It's even weirder, I'm using 16.5.1.

Here is the discussion, all iPad users seem to have the same problem so far:

As soon as the update is done.. I'll give it a try... as I noted.. it worked with IOS 15.6... so if it isn't any longer, it's an IOS update issue somewhere.. the IOS update is about 65% done on her iPad.
I will comment that my iPhone 13 Pro (running latest IOS) had no issues connecting to the thread.
OK... there appears to be an issue involved with the upgrade from IOS 15.6 to 16.5.1.
I'll try (later) and see if I can track down the issue.. .but does not appear to be directly an XF issue since 15.6 worked.. it has to do with the newer versions of IOS.
Are you using anything like CloudFlare or similar caching processes?
For what it's worth I have the same issue on my iPad, but it seems it's Safari more than the iPad, the same thing happens on macOS. Inspecting the requests, lots seem to be hanging, but I can access them directly:


Something network related maybe. Don't know if that helps, hope you can get it resolved.
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