Can we customize the url pattern?

Ok, maybe i'm wrong but:

option 1)
in the board before converting:
foreach(topic ids (1 to last topic id used) as bit)
if ! thread_exist(topic_id)
topic_creat (array(id => topic_id, title => 'DELETE_ME'));

than once that the board is imported delete every topic where title = 'delete_me'

option 2)
in the import script, do something so that the local topic_id is = to the old topic_id. for example, add a temp collumm in the database "temp_id" to be the default id.
Than in the import sql instead of writing stuff like
INSERT INTO topics (title, replyes), ('my title', 'my repluyes');
use something like
INSERT INTO topics (topic_id, title, replyes), ('old_topic_id', 'my title', 'my repluyes');

than delete the 'temp_id' and change the primary columm to topic_id
Maintaining IDs is not a goal of an importer. 301s are a much better approach in general. If you require the IDs to be maintained, you'll need to modify the scripts (as you'd need to be modifying them to get the URLs to be the same anyway).
All the URLs go through functions, though the approach is for the URLs that we have. You could certainly change them by modifying the "routes" (both building and parsing).

A few years ago when I used Wordpress, they had an admin interface to define the URL structure, and I think XenForo should have the same. You can read how Wordpress does it here.

Threads for example-- the default would be:

Which would produce this:

The admin interface should let you move the URL parts around as wanted, for example, any of the following would work:
Which would produce:

Maintaining IDs is not a goal of an importer. 301s are a much better approach in general. If you require the IDs to be maintained, you'll need to modify the scripts (as you'd need to be modifying them to get the URLs to be the same anyway).

Agreed. No need at all to attempt to maintain the same IDs. Search engines do just fine with 301 redirects.
Another great reason to move to xenforo is so I can stop being a vbseo customer. This week alone (and despite my settings to not email me) I have received yet again unsolicited commercialized emails. I am glad "pretty urls" are in xenforo, I can't wait to convert.
I like the way wordpress does it, having that kind of flexibility would be nice. Although, I do think it would be more complicated given the extra options a forum has over wordpress in some ways. vbseo does a good job at that imho.
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