California Case Update

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I so wanted to downgrade from vBulletin 4 to vBulletin 3.... But didn't want all the issues I hear it caused (passwords lost, attachments lost, avatars lost, ect...). We switch to XenForo in the beginning, but needed a little more so we switched to IPB and learned just how poor of a mistake that was (worse than vBulletin).... So we switch back to vBulletin, only to remember how poor it was ... Now we're back on XenForo and couldn't be happier.
That makes three of us. I even considered moving the entire kit and kaboodle over to a highly modified joomla :eek:
I will never return to phpbb and smf I have always hated. That said, I would far rather either to vbulletin 4.
Funny how this thread always drifts O/T.
meh. :barefoot:

You can't expect two companies to fight it out and not expect people to talk about how it affects them personally.

This includes talking about how we each ended up here on XenForo and in that, it's not really so bad of an off topic discussion or far from the core subject.... Given how Internet Brands "claims" we're all here because XenForo sneaked the customer list as an advertising list.
The discussion of how people found XF, has merit to the topic, as isn't IB arguing that XF stole their customers? (...haha)
People only had to search for "forum software reviews" or just "forum software", to find out about XF
Plus it doesn't help that the top forum software review site has an awful rating for VB4 from users, compared to a very high user review count for XF.
I want to testify in court too. I want to testify so bad it hurts. I want to testify until the cows come home. Then I want to know who let the cows out.

The rest of the stuff I want to say is not very nice so I will keep it to myself.
I wouldn't mind testifying in court either, though I now hold neutral position, given that I do not prejudice against either forum software, and use both in equal environments.
I have been cleared to inform on the subject-matter earlier.

Both Plaintiff and Defendant have agreed to stay in court pending the outcome of the US Court, i.e no progress will be made in the case in the UK until the US case is closed.

But anyone can read the case records. I've done it. I can see all the docket info and such. So why is it a big deal to disclose here? I'm lost-as usual. LOL
Oh and the record. I had been a VB customer for several years and had NEVER heard of XF until I stumbled across a skin shop that made both VB and XF.
Well that's no fun.

In order to remain compliant, with regards to this, so I don't run afoul of attorneys associated with the case, I have removed docket 113 in its entirety. The docket is no longer available through PACER. At this time, until otherwise instructed to do so, or such I will not publish, republish or make available the files contained within the docket.
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