XF 1.3 Breadcrumb modifications


I went to my Style Properties ---> Breadcrumb ---> Item Content, First Item

I changed padding to the left to include the size of a 24 x 24 pixel img, I wish to use for the Default forums decal. How do I implement an image to the left of the first breadcrumb item, with the proper spacing between the image and the text, screenshot of what my problem is here:

I don't know if you can share the link or not to the site in question but risking stating the obvious, it is almost always easier and faster to help others out when a link is right there in the post.

Now about what you want to do, are you trying to add the icon inside of the first breadcrumb item, or are you trying to include it once to the left of the entire breadbox? How you add the image also has effects the means that you go about implementing the styling for it.
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