Implemented Bookmark posts for future reference - Bookmark Center


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I am a member of the biggest social networking site in The Netherlands and there you can bookmark someone. Normally when you want to be a friend of someone, you send a request to that person. This person can either grant or deny your request. But what if you are not interested to become a friend of someone at that point in time? You just want to bookmark a person because you find them interesting, and decide later maybe what to do with it.

I was also a member of a very popular dutch dating website and there you have 'Favorites'. You can browser through millions of Profiles and add the ones you like to your Favorite list. This Favorite list can be sorted subsequentially on different fields (try doing that with your browser favorites....).

Furthermore, I also often have the need to bookmark a thread or even just a single posting.

Ofcoure you can use your browser bookmarks. But it is much more handy to have a dedicated bookmark section (on your profile or wherever it fits best) really where you can manage those bookmarks to your likings. (We could even have privacy-options for it, so we can share our bookmarks with whoever we wish, but that may take things a bit too far... just keep it basic is my opinion).

You know the 'Favorites Center' in Internet Explorer? Simple and very useful... it would be great if we have something like that, so we can manage different kinds of Bookmarks, being it Profiles, Threads, Posts, or even Private Conversations... and in the future Blog entries/comments and CMS Articles/comments. Any content type really. Divided them into different subfolders and we are ready to go!

How many times on a sophisticated board like for example vBulletin you find yourself you need to reply to something, or see an interesting thread or posting or CMS article, or Profile and you think... I need to get back to this at some point. What to do? Most of the time I mail the URL of that content to myself...

It would be much better if we can do all this on the platform itself. What do you all think?

To the Moderators: this thread should be called 'Bookmark Center', because I am not talking about Favorites only here. Bookmarks fits the bill the best.

(edit: Maybe odd to say in my own thread :), but this functionality is not one that is essential to me on a day-to-day basis. Just sometimes think it might come in handy).

Please do [like] this first posting if you think it is a good feature suggestion for XenForo
Upvote 80
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Some thing could be nice but I like the lean-and-mean approach of the Xenforo team.

I guess more people do. Maybe the vision of Xenforo is to be/offer more of a basic sophisticated (forum) framework where third party developers can excel on with their own products, I am not sure? At least, that vision seemed to be the case, until for example the XF Media Gallery was (surprisingly) offered as an official product. That was not a feature improvement but a full blown product. Xenforo was not a 'we are a forum only' platform anymore. And that is a good thing (imo). Can we then now expect/assume more additional official products coming? Possibly. Possibly not. The new XF2 code base apparently makes it easier to develop software, being it external add-ons or internal stuff. So who knows?

In my situation I am no longer in strong need (due to all kinds of circumstantial reasons) of a Blog product (or a CMS). Our needs have changed the last years, although I still would not say 'no' to a Xenforo developed Blog product. If only for the reason that it will come with the same outstanding UI/UX the XF2 forum product has and that in itself makes it worthwhile for me to purchase it. Even if I/our team would only us it ourselves (because our regular users already have left blogging behind in the meantime on our vB3.x blogs).

Apparently (if likes are any indication : this suggestion only is on page 3... almost page 4 of most liked threads) the need among site owners for an official Blog product is/was (apparently) very low to begin with. All in all, it will be interesting to see if Xenforo will offer more additional products in the time to come now XF2 is released. There is only so much that can be improved or added to the core forum functionality itself one would think. What Xenforo forum offers now with the new XF2 UI is just near perfection already. What else is there to wish for than to maybe broaden the horizon with additional products?

Still... there is only so much one can do with 3 developers. It is already hard to grasp that 2 and now 3 people are capable of delivering what already has been delivered in such a high quality.

A bookmark function is not essential. Just comes in very handy (and then only for people who would actually use it). It has not much to do with core forum functionality, neither has for example the Conversation feature. But also the Conversation function could use some more love by now. After 7 years it has not improved much (or at all?) has it? It's a great feature already, but a bit too lean-and-mean in it's current 7-year-old-state. The omission of organisational features like search and prefix/label functionality springs to mind. Anyway... bit offtopic.
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In addition to my not so lean and mean (it's still a challenge :unsure:) reply above , here's a short one:

YouTube (as another example of a social media platform) has a function called 'Watch later'. Simply click a button and you can quickly add any video to your Watch Later playlist. That playlist is part of your Library that also contains your History (watched videos) and Liked Videos. So, again, everything conveniently gathered and offered in one central place. On the platform itself, so no need for browser bookmarks.

I use these things (and Facebook's tools) quite often. For some reason I never ever use a browser's bookmark function (apart from saving links to webpages) for managing social media content, because it feels/seems more natural/logical to use the tools that these social platforms offer themselves.
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Page 3 of 173, which does not include the hundreds of 'lack of interest' suggestions that are in the closed suggestions forum. Once XF 2.1 is out this suggestion will likely be on page 2.
With 75 votes I'd say this is quite a popular suggestion.
Watch Later playlist
Exactly this is needed like youtube has done. A simple one-click-bookmark/unbookmark of any content type like the like Button. Nothing more is needed.

I requested it at existing third party Bookmark addon but it doesnt get done. The addon takes too many clicks to add or remove a bookmark.
'All good things come to those who...' , even if the wait takes a tiny 8 (!) years! :oops:.

But the wait seems worth it... looks like a really nice implementation with the use of labels.
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