XF 1.2 Blank line between bulleted items


Well-known member
Why can't you add a blank line between bulleted items so that the bulleted items are more legible?

  • Standard bullet item
  • Standard bullet item
  • Standard bullet item
  • Standard bullet item
If I add one blank line below each item (with Shift-Enter on Windows), the editor strips them out:
  • Standard bullet item
  • Standard bullet item
  • Standard bullet item
  • Standard bullet item
If I add TWO blank lines below each item, which looks really funky in the WYSIWY editor, the editor gives me TWO blank lines in-between bulleted items:
  • Standard bullet item

  • Standard bullet item

  • Standard bullet item

  • Standard bullet item
Problem: There really appears to be no way to get just one extra line between bulleted items.
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