XF 2.1 Change Line between each replies


Hello, could you tell me how to change the size of this border between each post?
it is too large... I want it to reduce

I have attached where am talking about ...

Screenshot 2020-04-02 at 8.13.32 PM.webpScreenshot 2020-04-02 at 8.13.32 PM.webp
message.less search for:
.block--messages .message+.message,.block--messages .block-row+.message,.block--messages .message+.block-row,.block--messages .block-row+.block-row
and change margin-top value
Probably the easiest solution in this case is to go to Appearance -> Style Properties -> Messages. Under the message section (where you can add background, padding, etc) add margin-top: 3px !important; to the freeform CSS/LESS box.

You can also add, directly after that, &:before {margin-top: 0 !important;} to not add the top margin to the first post.

In your solution, you'll end up affecting all block elements, not messages.
Probably the easiest solution in this case is to go to Appearance -> Style Properties -> Messages. Under the message section (where you can add background, padding, etc) add margin-top: 3px !important; to the freeform CSS/LESS box.

You can also add, directly after that, &:before {margin-top: 0 !important;} to not add the top margin to the first post.

In your solution, you'll end up affecting all block elements, not messages.
Thank you --- this is really the easiest solution!
In that case, you'll want to go to Appearance - Style Properties -> Node/forum list and first uncheck "Move category strip outside wrapper" (under Category strips). Then you can go down to the Node Container section and put in your adjustments there.
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