Black Responsive [Deleted]

Okay, the div code you gave changes the separator, if you see the one after the category title isn't affected (i'm using your side-by-sides option, i didn't knew it existed! :)

I just copy pasted the working css for the first category for the second one, the header background and the div code you just gave me, work, the background color doesn't, how odd? o_O

EDIT: I had to remove one }!
Well it's progressing towards the goal but this is odd, the background color doesn't work if the category has 2 nodes on it, (the top line is to be red as the other separators), if i added a test new one, it worked. On this particular one i have a normal forum node, and a category, should i add another nodes to make it work or is there a work-around?

On this border-top-color, it affects the separator between nodes and the category title, but border-bottom-color only affects the separator between nodes, the one after the category title is not.
Categories with just one node get extra class "shortNode" that has same priority as your custom code, but its loaded after your custom code. So its an issue with css order. Instead of .nodeList .node.category.node_67 use ol.nodeList .node.category.node_67 to give that rule higher priority.
Thank you CSS Wizard! :) Only that little category title separator thing, but if it can't be helped it can be disguised.
Its not a style issue. Style shows whatever avatar XenForo tells it to show.

Ether something is wrong with forum configuration or some add-on is messing with avatars. Also make sure you are using up to date version of style that is compatible with your version of XenForo.
Well I have no add-ons, the only upgrade made was the use of this theme. And the problem has existed since I started, so it was the latest version with latest version of Xenforo. So I don't think either of those can be the case.
Style doesn't change avatar behavior. Avatar URL is being generated in XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::getAvatarUrl, which takes it from $user array. Style has no say in that process and can only specify what avatar size is needed (this style uses same dimensions as default style).

So it is definitely not a style issue.
Ok, great.

Where do I find "XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::getAvatarUrl" - is it in the templates? Or a php file in xenforo?
That's name of php class and function inside that class. File name is library/XenForo/Template/Helper/Core.php

You can try debugging that to figure out what's wrong, but it requires good knowledge of php.

I suggest taking a look at avatar settings first in control panel, maybe you'll spot something wrong there.

Also take a look at write permissions to directory "data" where XenForo stores avatars, maybe permissions are wrong so XF can't write avatars there and because of that shows default avatars.
Ok, so process of elimination. As a reminder the avatars work on the other level (i.e. forums level) but not on the thread level.

1. The data directory is fine, and the images are in the directory with the correct write permissions.
2. The problem is something around the 'user_id' here in this script - the 'user_id' is not set on that page for some reason and it is coming back as nothing. So if I force it, it creates a link like this: /avatars/m/0/.jpg?134234"; -> notice the filename missing, i.e. User_id

protected static function _getCustomAvatarUrl(array $user, $size)
$group = floor($user['user_id'] / 1000);
return XenForo_Application::$externalDataUrl . "/avatars/$size/$group/$user[user_id].jpg?$user[avatar_date]";

3. Where would i look in control panel for avatar settings?
So its not settings. Check value of user_id field in template to make sure XenForo supplies correct data. To do that open template "message_user_info", find
<!-- slot: message_user_info_text -->
add after it:
User id: {$user.user_id}
It should add user id below user banner.
OK, I added it and it shows a blank in the forum under the image.

Just "User id: "

Does this mean there is a problem with the install? Or?
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