Black Responsive [Deleted]

It means user_id somehow disappears between retrieving it from database and sending it to template.

Next thing to check is view class that is called before executing template: library/XenForo/ViewPublic/Thread/View.php
Before editing that file check id of post that has empty user_id. To find it move mouse of time stamp below post and look at hash of that link. It should be like #post-12345

At the end of that file find
add before it
    $debug = 85926;
     if (isset($this->_params['posts'][$debug]))
       die('User id: ' . var_export($this->_params['posts'][$debug]['user_id'], true));
Change $debug value to post id. Reload page in browser to see output. It should output something like
User id: 248
If code above will show empty user id (as I expect it to show), append same code to same file after
  public function renderHtml()
and run it again. If that would show correct user id, something in bbcode parser causes user id to disappear. Then check your custom bbcodes.
Hello Arty, i am using the last version of ShowCase, updated black responsive that said to have full support on last version, thing is, nothing changed visually. What may be wrong? Is there a special option somewhere now?
No, it should work without any options.

There must be visual changes because support for add-on has been completely rewritten. It supports 2.3.0 beta 3 (no major changes in candidate 1, so haven't updated yet for it). Maybe something went wrong in update process?
No, it should work without any options.

There must be visual changes because support for add-on has been completely rewritten. It supports 2.3.0 beta 3 (no major changes in candidate 1, so haven't updated yet for it). Maybe something went wrong in update process?
Certainly wrong on the update process. I have updated the style.js and overwrited the xml of the main style. The "Blacky" is the one i customize is a child of it. So i found odd i got the other visual things like the category toggle buttons but not a single visual change on showcase. It doesn't display changes even if i select the parent black_responsive itself to view showcase pages.
What version of showcase are you using?

Check if any of nlfj_showcase_*.css templates are customized in black responsive, there should be 14 customized templates. Make sure they are not customized in your child style.
What version of showcase are you using?

Check if any of nlfj_showcase_*.css templates are customized in black responsive, there should be 14 customized templates. Make sure they are not customized in your child style.
Was using 2.3.0 beta when i upgraded the style, upgraded today to the RC1 and still no change.
When it comes to templates, no CSS template is customized on both parent or child style.
Then something went wrong in installation process or you are using old version. I've just double checked XML file available on download page - it includes all those templates.

Go to style properties -> general. Check style version property, it should say "2.2.8".
Okay re-upload the xml worked displays the last version fine. :)
I notice some changes indeed. The main home, the grid view is the same, the rounded corners, with the boxes background as the whole box background, was that tweaked?
Okay, on ShowCase Options it's the Grid View for News Feed and HomePage. The Modular and List one that are styled :)
Another minor thing where did you get the "Featured" ribbon on your print, doesn't display on my side?
I can think of 3 reasons why it wouldn't show up:

1. Its a list of featured items, not grid view.
2. It relies on some changes added to style.js, so make sure old style.js isn't cached in browser.
3. It uses css transformations to rotate ribbon, which doesn't work with IE9 or older IE version.
Yeah it's displaying on default style, the list of featured items on the top like your print. But on black responsive doesn't. The grid view shows it correctly as well yes.
Found what's causing that issue. I've been editing wrong style.js on my development forum, so style.js included in zip file doesn't have necessary code to show featured banner.

Sorry about that and thanks for noticing issue!

I'll release update in few days that will fix that issue and add support for grid view.
kk, i have the outdated templates on black responsive parent style for some of the css tweaked files. So i will wait for update :)
Arty updated Black Responsive with a new update entry:

Support for latest Showcase, branding free changes, pricing changes

Changes from previous version:
  • Fixes for media gallery's recent media block in sidebar
  • Support for latest version of Showcase add-on
To update from previous version import new XML file.

As of 1st March price for this style and all my other styles has been reduced to $29. See this thread:

Branding free option has changed. Branding is automatically removed from style during...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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