Biggest Existing Board that has Migrated to xF?


Well-known member
Biggest Existing Board that has Migrated to xF?

I know it is not recommended but I am curious as to who has done it and the biggest.

I am considering doing it on Beta 2 just to increase the number of live sites out there to increase the numbers of sites seen with XenForo.
I would hope that no big boards are running XenForo at Beta 1... it's labelled Beta for a reason!
I wouldn't dream of it!

Of course, I upgraded a test board but I have no intention of taking my live site over until after Gold.

Sadly those of us that take this stance get berated *elsewhere* because certain people claim it's because XF isn't good enough.

I've got bored debating it now.
I'm tempted to try converting my old CycleChat vB database - 1.3 million posts - would that be big enough?

Just as a test ... see what happens?

Shaun :D
Mine is not that big, it is borderline bigboard

Active Members
Not as many members, but a ton of content per member.

Discussions: 35,058
Messages: 358,736
Members: 924 (all of them active, I purged the old ones prior to move)

We are going to continue to support xenForo the best using it.
Nope....Just thinking hard on it. Kier though says don't do it. I was curious about others that had and how things were going. To see how brave of an act this is.

We have had some small issues (no table BBCode of all things is my big issue at the moment), but my user base is super loyal.
Nope....Just thinking hard on it. Kier though says don't do it. I was curious about others that had and how things were going. To see how brave of an act this is.
I would set up a test forum, and import your vb4.0.6 data. Then test it out with some of your real members.

It would both test the software and make the members chosen for testing feel like they have contributed to the direction of the forum. I *really* think that would be a good idea.
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