Better User Search (In Admin CP)


Well-known member
I wish to perform search on my user-base and the limited criteria available in the adminCP is hurting me! Can someone quickly make an addon to search users (and create mailing lists) to -
  1. Users registered between <from date> < till date >
  2. Users who've not logged in <from> <till>
  3. Custom user field search
  4. Users with more than <x> posts & less than <y> posts
  5. ...and so on. I'm sure members here can add more options to search.
I really liked vBulletin's adminCP search on users. My purpose is to generate email lists :)
Do this, folks! Please!
I'm really surprised no one really wants this. :censored:

This is a real problem for us too as we regularly add our new members to a mailing list. Trying to find a workaround now, if you've managed to find a fix for this I'd be grateful if you could let me know. Thanks.
For the record, the searching has been improved in v1.2. I doubt you'll find someone to code it knowing it'll be redundant in a few weeks to a few months, without paying for it at least
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