Fixed Beta 2 Upgrade - Strange permissions issue

Liam W

in memoriam 1998-2020
Affected version
2.0.0 Beta 2
After I upgraded xf and the add-ons to beta 2 (via the CLI), the permissions for resources were incorrect - viewing the resources page gave me a permission issue.

Saving the user group granting this permission resolved the issue.

I'm not 100% sure as to whether this is an issue in the upgrade, or an issue with @Xon's redis cache add-on...

Would be helpful if you can reproduce it consistently and test without any caching to confirm. If you can repro it consistently, then diving into the permission cache could be helpful to see if that is actually inconsistent.
Would be helpful if you can reproduce it consistently and test without any caching to confirm. If you can repro it consistently, then diving into the permission cache could be helpful to see if that is actually inconsistent.

I'll take a look when I upgrade my local installation.
I have just fixed a situation where the permission rebuild wasn't triggered as expected from an add-on upgrade. I don't think this would have caused problems when upgrading from B1 to B2, but it did manifest itself as the permission cache not containing updated values when upgrading some of the official add-ons from the XF1 to XF2 versions. I suppose this may ultimately be the same issue, though I'm not positive.
@Liam W at this point we're unable to reproduce the issue, have you been able to reproduce it since? If not, then we'll close this report as fixed as per Mike's message above.
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