Behavior of editor

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Probably the same bug as here:
...and here:
It's in progress, be sure. Just wait for the next update that will fix this issue.
Any idea of a timeline regarding the update? Also, when XF is updated, how is that update pushed to customers? Is it an automatic thing? Optional? Needs another license/purchase?

I'm not a customer of XenForo, just a user. The admin of the forum I use that uses XF told me this wasn't a XenForo problem and basically told me to get bent when I complained about it. I've been having to do my own research on this issue in order to bring it back to him and slap him in the face with it (metaphorically speaking, of course).
XenForo problem and basically told me to get bent when I complained about it
Technically it is NOT an XF problem, but a problem in the Froala editor. XF has NO control over when/how Froala chooses to fix it, if they even decide to do so. I doubt that XF would want to do any major modification of the Froala code to fix an error that could come back and cause other errors later.
So, what you can go back and "slap him in the face with" is the fact that the Froala editor, which is supported by another company but used as the editor in XF has a bug in it. When/if that bug will be fixed is up for question. Also, one developer of XF has already stated that he'd like to see XF move away from Froala.
Technically it is NOT an XF problem, but a problem in the Froala editor.
To the customers and users, this is a distinction without a difference. The editor is embedded in XenForo. Without the editor, XenForo arguably doesn't exist, as there's no method for users to input content. A forum that uses a jacked-up-from-here-to-tomorrow editor cannot save itself by proclaiming "it's not our fault, it's the editor!"

XF has NO control over when/how Froala chooses to fix it, if they even decide to do so. I doubt that XF would want to do any major modification of the Froala code to fix an error that could come back and cause other errors later.
Great. None of this makes XenForo work any better.

So, what you can go back and "slap him in the face with" is the fact that the Froala editor, which is supported by another company but used as the editor in XF has a bug in it. When/if that bug will be fixed is up for question. Also, one developer of XF has already stated that he'd like to see XF move away from Froala.
I will tell him the truth: it is a XenForo problem because the software appears to ship as a whole unit. A problem with a subpart of the forum software is a problem with the forum software.
"it's not our fault, it's the editor!"
But the fact remains.... it's the editor.... NOT a part that the XF developers code nor have ownership of.
That's like trying to blame Ford for Firestone tire failures..... Ford had nothing to do with the production of said tires, just the selection of them.
Unlike with that issue, XF can't simply say "welp, we are going to pull Froala out and replace it tomorrow".
It's already been said by at least one XF developer he'd like to see Froala gone.
Great. None of this makes XenForo work any better.
Nope... but the fact remains... fixing it is dependent upon the Froala developers. Once you start customizing an editor TO much, you then can run into issues down the line if the original editor developer make major changes.
I will tell him the truth: it is a XenForo problem because the software appears to ship as a whole unit. A problem with a subpart of the forum software is a problem with the forum software.
Mayhap to those with a simplistic view.....
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But the fact remains.... it's the editor.... NOT a part that the XF developers code nor have ownership of.
That's like trying to blame Ford for Firestone tire failures..... Ford had nothing to do with the production of said tires, just the selection of them.
Oh, so the XenForo customer can swap out the editor?

No, this is more like Toyota turning out a faulty engine and Lotus uses it.

Unlike with that issue, XF can't simply say "welp, we are going to pull Froala out and replace it tomorrow".
So it's really a problem that's much more intrinsic, like a garbage engine.

Nope... but the fact remains... fixing it is dependent upon the Froala developers.
Fixing Froala depends on Froala. Fixing XenForo is dependent on XenForo choosing an editor that works.

Mayhap to those with a simplistic view.....
Or to someone who understands that a bad engine spoils the car, and does so even if the car manufacturer didn't manufacture the engine.
All this arguing doesn't achieve anything.

It's an open bug report and will be dealt with in due course.

Or not if it's a Froala issue ...

The developers will update the thread once they've looked into it.
Oh, so the XenForo customer can swap out the editor?
The point is (and has been)'s an open bug that they are aware of, at least ONE of the developers has indicated that they would like to move away from Froala and NOTHING can be done in the interim until a new version (which we have been waiting on for a while now) is released. All the whining in the world is NOT going to change those simple facts.
Quit acting like a 8 year old on the playground that wants to be the head bully... you have ALREADY stated that's the ONLY reason you came by here.

The base issue is Froala.... and once more, at least ONE developer has expressed a desire to move away from it. Until Froala gets their code line fixed, there is VERY little that XF can do other than what they are ALREADY doing.... expressing a desire to move away from it and very likely evaluating other editors to integrate. This could also be one of the reasons that the update to 2.3 that most XF licensees have been waiting on for a LONG time is taking so long. It's not a simple matter of just "plugging in the newer Froala" as it is somewhat "massaged" for XF from what I understand. And an editor change is NOT something that would be done in a xx.yy.ZZ release, which is where most bug fixes get stomped at.

As for how "updates are pushed out"... a new version is released by the developers (either in a XX.yy.zz, xx.YY.zz or xx.yy.ZZ format) and then IF the admin has a current support subscription he/she can install (either through the ACP or by downloading and manually intalling) that newer version, after checking to make sure their style and add-ons are compatible.
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