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[bd] Tag Me for XenForo 1.3 3.2.0

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There's a problem with the replacement of the username between the tags. For example if you colour the username between the tags this error pops up:
strtr() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given[/I]in /var/www/vhosts/, line 683:
682:            ';
683: }
684: else

For example: If you do this
- the hex number is being passed to strtr() instead of the whole thing as a string.

Not too important, but it would be good if you fixed it :)
The [USER] tag is not supposed to be used by user. And it's strange that it ended up in the method getTitleForUrl()? Are you sure you are talking about this add-on's tag or it's the tag from Custom BB Code Manager?
Is your Javascript working ?
Verify your version.
Do you have the latest version installed ?
I don't think the earlier versions had the feature.
Did you install the new version properly ?
I don't have any other issues, so I presume JS is working fine.

I upgraded it by overwriting the current version's files and updating as usual via the ACP.
What's your site address? Send me via message if you want, I will come by and see ;)
It's in my sig. Thanks! :)
hi xfrocks, simple little 'bug' report (or feature request if this is possible, not sure how non alphanumeric characters come into play with your addon):

I've got a user who's usename is [T_T], and tagging him is ignored, even if completed by the 'auto username' ordeal. Ends up just bring printed as a normal @[T_T], same with the username ::1/128

I believe that's the only thing I've seen not work thus far. One thing I found interesting was someone misspelled my username, tagged me as @Brain instead of Brian, yet it still went to my brian profile. This tag addon is a smarty pants.
A very common problem in updating addons is people think the files did overwrite ... but they didn't.
True, but if they didn't overwrite, it's likely I would have gotten an error during upgrading (w/ the new xml file).

In any case, I checked and it was uploaded/overwritten correctly.
On my board some users have name like [abc]def, but when I tag them starting with "[", their names don't display, and they are not tagged either.
On my board some users have name like [abc]def, but when I tag them starting with "[", their names don't display, and they are not tagged either.
This is by design. Normally username doesn't contain that characters so in order to optimize the tagging process and minimizing performance impact, this add-on ignore that kind of characters (and a lot more). Actually if the username is abc[def], it's possible for the add-on to figure out the username but for [abc]def, it's out of luck.
hi xfrocks, simple little 'bug' report (or feature request if this is possible, not sure how non alphanumeric characters come into play with your addon):

I've got a user who's usename is [T_T], and tagging him is ignored, even if completed by the 'auto username' ordeal. Ends up just bring printed as a normal @[T_T], same with the username ::1/128

I believe that's the only thing I've seen not work thus far. One thing I found interesting was someone misspelled my username, tagged me as @Brain instead of Brian, yet it still went to my brian profile. This tag addon is a smarty pants.
Please read my reply above (here) for the [T_T] and ::1/123 usernames. It's by design and will not be changed for a while.
About @Brain and @Brian, I'm surprised that it worked like that. How... come?
Please read my reply above (here) for the [T_T] and ::1/123 usernames. It's by design and will not be changed for a while.
About @Brain and @Brian, I'm surprised that it worked like that. How... come?
ah, I missed that. And yeah, very odd it worked like that on the Brain/Brian ordeal. o_O
Just registered and posted. The "@" is not removed. Can you confirm this?
Yes, I see that it wasn't removed for you. I have no idea what happened between yesterday and today. This must be one of those situations when you call tech support, and their very presence makes the system start working again.

Where's the sheepish smiley? :)
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