[bd] API

[bd] API 1.6.3

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Any documentation on how to use this with C# or .net applications?

Am I able to make this generate Verification code for certain user groups to use them in my application?
I developed my forum's Windows app based on this API. Please pm me if you need any support.
Anyone have experience with combining this great add-on and a node.js app? Using the generic passport-oauth library. Everything is business as usual up until after receiving the access_token. Struggling to get the user profile info within the same request.
Anyone have experience with combining this great add-on and a node.js app? Using the generic passport-oauth library. Everything is business as usual up until after receiving the access_token. Struggling to get the user profile info within the same request.
If you have the token, it should just be a case of doing a HTTP GET on data['base_url'] + "index.php?users/me&oauth_token={token}" where the base_url is the API root.
Hi !
first, thanks for this awesome addon :D

I have a question :

Each user have a custom profile field called "xcode"

how can I set this field throught this API with PHP ?

thanks in advance
Hey @xfrocks, this might be stupid question but i'm trying to test this through my browser can you please show some examples on how the request looks like?

Also can you provide more info for each supported grant type and scopes?

Thanks in advance!
Does anyone know if this could be used in conjunction with php-nuke cms system?

I read something about it being possible to login from another "slave" site.

Do you believe this add-on has that kind of capability? Or what would it take to login from php-nuke onto Xenforo with this.

Let me know, I am highly interested by this.
Does anyone know how to use simple authentication with another PHP scrip, I want users to login to the other script with their xenforo credentials.
Hi, I'm using version 1.4.4 and cannot upgrade the plugin due to customization I have. But I was just wondering if there was a way to hard disable the logging (such as by removing a block of code or something). Thank you!
Hi, I'm using version 1.4.4 and cannot upgrade the plugin due to customization I have. But I was just wondering if there was a way to hard disable the logging (such as by removing a block of code or something). Thank you!
v1.4.4 has the option to disable logging in AdminCP. You should use that. Also, you really should move your customization to another add-on to be able to upgrade the add-on later.
@xfrocks I tried installing this but it breaks my boards style after the installation. Had to uninstall :(

Can you tell me why this is happening. Everything goes haywire after i install this
Hey @xfrocks, what's the easiest way to extend the API for additional functionality? Like allowing a third party client to submit content to an add on system in use. I can write the functionality for actually submitting the data to the add on, but I'm not sure how to go about routing that through the API. I hope that makes sense.

I'm a quick learner but not primarily a backend developer, and MVC programming in particular makes my head spin.

I'm happy to pay for you to lend a hand in whatever way you can. Feel free to contact me however you prefer.
Attempting to authenticate users:


getting this response:

{"errors":["You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action."],"system_info":{"visitor_id":0,"time":1448982256}}
Hey @xfrocks , I have found an issues (maybe not) that all messages which contain some smilies use relative paths. Such as: styles/default/.../.png So I think it's should be absolute path/URL. Is that right?
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