BB Code Manager: BB Code XML Repository

Looking forward to the SHOUTcast code, Ant! Let me know if you need any testing. :)
I have done the basic and got The Voice working inside of a flowplayer container so now I am going to work this into a bbcode I think tomorrow as I am hyper and exhausted at the same time presently so nothing effective will get done by me again until after sleep.

Let me know if you would like to see this working/test it (what browser are you using? chrome if I remember correctly ) and I will send you a link. As a matter of fact now that I think about it...I can totally right now add your station right to my sidebar :). I'll pc you the link but just remember that the orientation of what you will be looking at is for a forum post and the element for a sidebar widget could just be made to be more square.
I have done the basic and got The Voice working inside of a flowplayer container so now I am going to work this into a bbcode I think tomorrow as I am hyper and exhausted at the same time presently so nothing effective will get done by me again until after sleep.

Let me know if you would like to see this working/test it (what browser are you using? chrome if I remember correctly ) and I will send you a link. As a matter of fact now that I think about it...I can totally right now add your station right to my sidebar :). I'll pc you the link but just remember that the orientation of what you will be looking at is for a forum post and the element for a sidebar widget could just be made to be more square.
Responded to your PC; very nice! :D
Has anybody an idea how to translate the texts
"Hide Spoiler"
"Show Spoiler"
using the SPOILER-BBCode?

Thanks in advance.
Edit the library/KingK/BbCodeManager/BbCode/Formatter/Default.php file.

Search for the phrases in the file around line 60.

                $hideText = 'Hide Spoiler';
            $buttonText = 'Show Spoiler';
            $hideText = 'Hide Spoiler';
This is a simple solution i came up with to embed pdf files from localhost. It can be modified to be used for remote pdf docs as well. If you need that let it be known and I will add that here as well.


Does anyone know if this has been/needs updating for 1.01? When I try to embed a pdf it displays just a long blank message and some users are seeing "initializing" but nothing happens.

Renada :)
No it should not need changing at all...I'm on 1.0.1 myself and haven't changed it and it seems to work fine here on my end. If you want to post me a link I will take a look at your page and see if I can figure it out.

ohhh wait you were talking about the local one <facepalm> gimme a sec

Does anyone know if this has been/needs updating for 1.01? When I try to embed a pdf it displays just a long blank message and some users are seeing "initializing" but nothing happens.

Renada :)
I see now what you are are indeed correct and it is not working. I will look to see what is wrong with it....thanks for the heads up.
Actually no to be honest I forgot, I was working on something else to be shared soon and have been in the process of trying to find a coder for "something" and along with my addiction to the poker room at the casino I find myself losing free time while driving back and forth from taking money from the fish.

I will have some coffee and maybe get this done today...who knows...I don't :-). I will work on it for sure today though I am just not sure the approach I am going to take as I can build the playback mechanism for the mp3 in two very different ways both which will have people that love it and hate it and I am trying to figure out which one would be better before I do anything.
Hi EQ,

Any advance on this one? :)

Renada :)
oh i had fixed it when I responded here...
in this post
:) sorry I wasn't clear...allow me to clarify...

This post has been updated.
This is a simple solution i came up with to embed pdf files from localhost. It can be modified to be used for remote pdf docs as well. If you need that let it be known and I will add that here as well.
View attachment 8979
Edit: updated 5.5.11 2:07am
Does anyone have a BBcode for inserting ebay auctions using eBay To Go? I tried making one but the code they give you inserts the item number twice and I didn't understand how to make that work in BBcode Manager. Here's the website for ebay to go...cheers!
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