Integration Integration [Paid] 2.0.2

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Nobita.Kun submitted a new resource: Integration - Login/Register using account

When registering an application you can specify a redirect url for that key. This must be a valid HTTPS (SSL-enabled) URL. After a user authorizes themselves on's login page we will only redirect them back to this URL.

Dev Application Config:
View attachment 97529
In the fields: Web Site and Register Callback Url.

The values should be:
  • Web Site: Should be same on XenForo options Board URL....

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Issue I ran into, I couldn't try it it by registering for his site as I play on US and this only connects to EU. I will be buying this once you make it support all regions.

Will you be expanding into other Blizzard games.. StarCraft2, Diablo 3, HearthStone and the big one just starting beta Heroes of the Storm?

Will you be expanding to more features either with this or other add-ons that require this with it. Like pulling other info about the character selected to display in the postbit, example raid progression, arena ranks and honorable kills. I'd love to see 2 tabs added to profile too.. 1) displays selected characters armory showing character full picture with items equipted.
Issue I ran into, I couldn't try it it by registering for his site as I play on US and this only connects to EU. I will be buying this once you make it support all regions.
The owner site set option to EU so you will be redirected to EU :P

Will you be expanding into other Blizzard games.. StarCraft2, Diablo 3, HearthStone and the big one just starting beta Heroes of the Storm?
Its depend to Currently just support get characters from WoW and SC2 games. But with any account can log in. Untested but I think it should work ;)

Will you be expanding to more features either with this or other add-ons that require this with it. Like pulling other info about the character selected to display in the postbit, example raid progression, arena ranks and honorable kills. I'd love to see 2 tabs added to profile too.. 1) displays selected characters armory showing character full picture with items equipted.
I don't think it belong to this addon. Currently just allow Connect with account only ;)
The owner site set option to EU so you will be redirected to EU :p

Can you only select one region? As I said, I would need it to select all. Radio button under the login button is fine. I guess if need be, you could make duplicates and have a login button for each region under each other
Can you only select one region? As I said, I would need it to select all. Radio button under the login button is fine. I guess if need be, you could make duplicates and have a login button for each region under each other
So you mean that allow user choose the region to connect?
Will you be expanding to more features either with this or other add-ons that require this with it. Like pulling other info about the character selected to display in the postbit, example raid progression, arena ranks and honorable kills. I'd love to see 2 tabs added to profile too.. 1) displays selected characters armory showing character full picture with items equipted.

We have worked together on other plugins which can pull Character data and Avatars however it's so heavily customised to my site that it would take Nobita a while to build a proper install for it.
As for listing Character and all equipment I think that this is possibly a bit over kill - The idea is not to replace The Armoury completely but just pull enough information to provide some insight into the Character the users plays. Currently I display the Class, Race, level, Server and the users account picks up their Avatar from armoury. I think anything more than this isn't really worth doing.

Discussions have been had between us about expanding on the Battle Auth plugin - I'm still researching into what is possible with the API in regards to Battle ID. Would be nice to list the users status (AFK, In-Game on CHAR @ REALM) but we will see what happens and how much interested there would be for this function.
We have worked together on other plugins which can pull Character data and Avatars however it's so heavily customised to my site that it would take Nobita a while to build a proper install for it.

So it doesn't pull your selected character avatar like here?

As for overkill with armory and such, as a guild site, yes I can agree. But I own some very good Blizzard domains and would be building a general site to compete against sites like WoWHead, MMOChamps etc. So for my sort of site, I would rather have members remain within my site.
Currently, No.
Only: Login/Register using account

As mentioned there's alot of work to reverse engineer an installer to create the relevant tables we only just fixed an issue that's been on-going for a few months now in regards to what happens when it can't find a character (realm transfer/name change)

Maybe we will release it soon but currently all this addon does is bridge authentication with

@Nobita.Kun Seems we need to make a working installer with all this interest :)
Yeah pulling the avatar would be pretty crucial. If this only bridge's auth with battle net, then what is the difference then from @silence External extended, which I use now and costs less? When @Nobita.Kun said you can select character to use, I really thought it ment it would pull character name and avatar. I have no issue purchasing this if it offers more functions then I'm currently using on my Blizz test board.
Yeah pulling the avatar would be pretty crucial. If this only bridge's auth with battle net, then what is the difference then from @silence External extended, which I use now and costs less? When @Nobita.Kun said you can select character to use, I really thought it ment it would pull character name and avatar. I have no issue purchasing this if it offers more functions then I'm currently using on my Blizz test board.

It will pull all the characters off the users account no matter what realm the character is on and allow the user to select which to use as their forum account.

Cool, but it seems it is still just falling a bit short without the avatar and maybe a few post bit abilities like realm, level, class and race.
I just purchased, but I didn't realize it doesn't support Diablo III or Hearthstone.
I run a gaming community site that players (largely all) of the games.

Is it possible to make it authenticate for Diablo 3, Hearthstone, WoW, and SC, and allow the user to choose their primary (or even multiple) games?
I just purchased, but I didn't realize it doesn't support Diablo III or Hearthstone.
I run a gaming community site that players (largely all) of the games.

Is it possible to make it authenticate for Diablo 3, Hearthstone, WoW, and SC, and allow the user to choose their primary (or even multiple) games?
Its depend to Currently just support get characters from WoW and SC2 games. But with any account can log in. Untested but I think it should work ;)
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