XF 1.4 Basically


Hi, when I try to upload an image other than a .jpg image my forums won't allow it...

This is the error I get when I try to upload the .gif image through admincp: http://puu.sh/eW8fj/b767894678.png

This is the gif image I want to upload: http://i.imgur.com/97bcu6s.gif

Basically only image extensions people can upload are a .jpg and i'm not too sure why.

Any ideas?

EDIT: New Issue, basically certain gif images work but if they are 200x400 they don't work at all? Any ideas why or how to fix? Maybe help setting the sizes to avatar images like 200x400? Without it looking really uneven with the forums?
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The changes made previous are reverted. So,

.messageUserBlock .userBanner
            display: block;
            margin-bottom: 5px;
            margin-left: -{xen:calc '@messageUserText.padding-left + 6'}px;
            margin-right: -{xen:calc '@messageUserText.padding-right + 6'}px;
Replace with
.messageUserBlock .userBanner
            display: block;
            margin-bottom: 5px;
            margin-left: auto;
            margin-right: auto;

.thread_view .messageList .messageUserInfo a.avatar img,
.thread_view .quickReply .messageUserInfo a.avatar img,
.conversation_view .messageList .messageUserInfo a.avatar img,
.conversation_view .quickReply .messageUserInfo a.avatar img
    width: 200px;
    height: 300px;
Is causing the avatar issue. Change the values like I asked you before and and add !important in the end.
Is causing the avatar issue. Change the values like I asked you before and and add !important in the end.


It didn't make them bigger again by changing them around. It still is small, I wanted them expanded again because most people enjoy it better this way + my online css corresponds with it as shown here now that they are small; http://puu.sh/f9RlD/1c9eaa3e5c.png also the post bit is still unaligned and is going over the text as seen here: http://puu.sh/f9RQT/6442e58482.png
Then simply change the values to auto.
I have done, no matter what I change in extra.css to
.thread_view .messageList .messageUserInfo a.avatar img,
.thread_view .quickReply .messageUserInfo a.avatar img,
.conversation_view .messageList .messageUserInfo a.avatar img,
.conversation_view .quickReply .messageUserInfo a.avatar img
    width: 200px !important;
    height: 300px !important;

    width: 218px !important;

.message .messageInfo,
    margin-left: 234px !important;

it doesn't seem to change on the forums, like the width of this bit needs to be smaller; http://puu.sh/f9T7t/47a4e4b932.png (See how it's going over the text)

Also, same with the avatars, I can change it to "auto" or I can change it to anything else, it doesn't make a difference. Also, I've tried replacing the code to the one we've used before, it still didn't work.

PS. thank you for your assistance, means a lot.

EDIT: Example; this is set to 200x400 http://puu.sh/f9TMr/b73039b1e6.png

Not sure if that makes sense @batpool52! - currently the default is back to 200x300.
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EXTRA.css changes are not being applied. Somewhere in your style is causing that issue.

I'm not too sure why though? Is there anyway you can possibly help me look into this issue using the admin account I had pm'd you. I'd be able to send you some money via paypal if you'd be able to take some time to help sort that.
Made the changes you asked. Let me know if thats what you wanted.

Code Changes:
Added this in EXTRA.css
    padding: 6px 0px !important;
    margin-left: 2px;

    margin-left: 0px !important;
Made the changes you asked. Let me know if thats what you wanted.

Code Changes:
Added this in EXTRA.css
    padding: 6px 0px !important;
    margin-left: 2px;

    margin-left: 0px !important;
Yeah, that's what I wanted.. Also, is it possible to make it to where your primary userbar will fill in this blank space here under the username; http://puu.sh/fa6ql/93f5e7df26.png or will it look weird?
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