XF 1.4 Basically


Hi, when I try to upload an image other than a .jpg image my forums won't allow it...

This is the error I get when I try to upload the .gif image through admincp: http://puu.sh/eW8fj/b767894678.png

This is the gif image I want to upload: http://i.imgur.com/97bcu6s.gif

Basically only image extensions people can upload are a .jpg and i'm not too sure why.

Any ideas?

EDIT: New Issue, basically certain gif images work but if they are 200x400 they don't work at all? Any ideas why or how to fix? Maybe help setting the sizes to avatar images like 200x400? Without it looking really uneven with the forums?
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I'm not quite sure how to fix it unfortunately. But I've replied to the thread of the resource and hopefully developer will reply there.
P.S. Your PHP Version is 5.3 and the recommended php version is 5.4 so you should upgrade it.
I'm not quite sure how to fix it unfortunately. But I've replied to the thread of the resource and hopefully developer will reply there.
P.S. Your PHP Version is 5.3 and the recommended php version is 5.4 so you should upgrade it.

Ah is it? I didn't even notice that. I'll see if I can upgrade it, will it affect anything related to my forums plugin wise?

Also, waindigos "hide signature" add-on automatically disabled another add-on that says change posts owners? I'm not too sure why on this one, i've contact him too, no reply.. not even on his forums where he said to "contact" him ;p
Most developers (including me) prefer answering questions which are asked in public. If you know what I mean.

Ah is it? I didn't even notice that. I'll see if I can upgrade it, will it affect anything related to my forums plugin wise?
That depends on the add-ons you've installed.
Still need some assistance if anyone know how/where I should change the database/code.

@Chris D
@Jake Bunce idk if either of you two could assist me in this.

Run this query to increase the length of the user custom title field:

ALTER TABLE xf_user CHANGE custom_title custom_title varchar(250);

Then find this code in library/XenForo/DataWriter/User.php and increase the maxLength:

					=> array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'maxLength' => 50, 'default' => '', 'verification' => array('$this', '_verifyCustomTitle')),
Is it under the messages? If so, ACP > Appearance > Styles > Your Skin Name Here > Style Properties > Message Elements > Author Username > Enter the font family name inside the input.
Is it under the messages? If so, ACP > Appearance > Styles > Your Skin Name Here > Style Properties > Message Elements > Author Username > Enter the font family name inside the input.
Also is it possible to add a function xenforo to where certain users can't be edited period? Like VB has the "uneditable" function.
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