XF 1.4 Basically


Hi, when I try to upload an image other than a .jpg image my forums won't allow it...

This is the error I get when I try to upload the .gif image through admincp: http://puu.sh/eW8fj/b767894678.png

This is the gif image I want to upload: http://i.imgur.com/97bcu6s.gif

Basically only image extensions people can upload are a .jpg and i'm not too sure why.

Any ideas?

EDIT: New Issue, basically certain gif images work but if they are 200x400 they don't work at all? Any ideas why or how to fix? Maybe help setting the sizes to avatar images like 200x400? Without it looking really uneven with the forums?
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Also, is there a function with xenforo to cleanup post count incase someone edited false post count?
ACP > Tools > Rebuild Caches > Check "Rebuild position and post counters" under Rebuild Thread Information and click on Rebuild Now.

Also, @batpool52! if you log in that admin account i gave you in pm - you see the "Staff list" tab, is it possible to arrange it to where site owners are before admins.
Which add-on is creating that tab?
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