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[Banxix] Auto Close Threads 1.0.1 Patch 2

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Your thread view return null on $thread which should be \XF\Entity\Thread. I'm afraid it is not my addon's fault.

I implement a small fix for you. It check if the $thread is instance of Thread, but since your $thread is null, the auto close is not triggered.

I'm getting the identical error, ONLY when this addon is enabled.

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@Banxix I've been able to suppress the error by doing the following:

Editing /Banxix/AutoCloseThreads/XF/Entity/Thread.php line 56 with:

            if (isset($entity->post_date)) {
                if ($entity->post_date + (\XF::options()->autoCloseThreadsTimeFactorMinutes * 60) < time())

@Banxix I've been able to suppress the error by doing the following:

Editing /Banxix/AutoCloseThreads/XF/Entity/Thread.php line 56 with:

            if (isset($entity->post_date)) {
                if ($entity->post_date + (\XF::options()->autoCloseThreadsTimeFactorMinutes * 60) < time())


Thank you, I missed the case where entity does not exist (for some reaons, because it should always exist). This fix should be enough.
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