XF 1.5 Banned Email Addresses not working


Active member

We have a very long list of Banned Email Addresses under Admin CP -> Users -> Banned Email Addresses.

All of the banned e-mail addresses are in the format *@domain.com which uses the wildcard to ban any e-mails from the listed domains.

One of the entries we have in the long list is: *@mailinator.com

However, today a new user joined with an e-mail @mailinator.com and was able to validate their account.

Is this a bug? If not, then how was this user able to sign up with a banned e-mail address?
How did you create these banned emails? If you manipulated the database directly, they aren't being applied. You will need to make a change and save them in the control panel to force caches to be rebuild.
How did you create these banned emails? If you manipulated the database directly, they aren't being applied. You will need to make a change and save them in the control panel to force caches to be rebuild.
Since there is no way to add a long list in bulk to the banned email addresses list, we had to add them via the Database, so that explains why it's not working.

What kind of change do we need to make? Can we just add a new *@domain.com via the AdminCP and will that force the cache for the long list added via the DB to rebuild?
There isn't a way to do that; the banned email system is specifically for new registrations or email changes. I suppose you could manually change their emails to invalid ones and push them into a state where they need to change it (and then reconfirm).
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