Backspace not working in iOS Safari

Honestly, I'm praying and hoping for someone to hint at something stupid I might have missed and if someone does I'd be thankful.
Maybe you have some kind of vpn/adblock installed in your iPhone?
How about a network reset (you are going to lose all the wifi passwords)?
Have you tried Firefox on iOS? It use the same framework but I think it not share the same cache.
Honestly, I'm praying and hoping for someone to hint at something stupid I might have missed and if someone does I'd be thankful.

This has been going on for quite some time and alas I have checked a lot of these things.

I had a fresh run today of looking into it via the Safari inspector connected to my Mac and I was hoping to see an older version displayed but, no. It's the current version.

Our deployment process for this forum handles minifying/rolling up JS so whether I'm in debug/development mode or not I should always have the correct version. But either way, currently browsing without fullJS and debug.

It's very stupid.

I had some similar issues on RpN with my iPhone on Safari, this was last year, I don't remember if it was the return key issue or what it was, but I could not fix it, no matter what I did.

I realized that resetting my entire phone did not fix it, even though no one else with their iPhones on staff had or and no one in my family could replicate it. There's some really, really aggressive caching over the cloud between the iPhone and mac devices, in my case it was the MacBook I use for work.

I cleared caches and such on it, and it resolved the issue. You might have to disconnect and re-plug iCloud and so forth. There are other stories online about aggressive cache issues returning, no matter how often you clear your iPhone because its else where in your Apple ecosystem.

A further example: Someone in my family recently had a bug with her iOS contacts that was messing up every device she owns, and she had to find the one exact contact that was causing the issue and once she deleted and re-added it, it synced in all her contacts correctly on all her devices almost instantly. Resets and other things would not fix it. The Phone would just re-download the problem from the cloud.
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