XF 1.2 Avatar Uploads not working?


Well-known member
So, I just recently moved to a new server courtesy of @Mike Edge but then I see some weird things happening.

A user tried to upload an avatar several times, and it comes back as a blank image. So today, I was just minding my own business checking things on CODForums, and I found this error:

getimagesize(/home/root/public_html/codforums.com/data/avatars/l/5/5877.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory Yesterday at 3:36 PM - library/XenForo/Model/Avatar.php:252

What does this mean? Does this mean the user uploaded the wrong content type, or what?
The images failed to upload. Have you verified directory permissions?
It should be solved now, was an issue somewhere in the server. Mike [Edge] was working on it.

I tried looking for server errors in cpanel, but it only told me when it happened and where - stuff I already know.
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