August Update discussion thread.

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This question has already been submitted. But I think the answer is pretty clear that development is on hold. That is based on my reading of the recent announcement. Though Slavik has confirmed that security updates and other urgent maintenance releases are still on tap.
Duly noted, but again missing the point. Whilst I don't wish to offend, what you think Jake isn't a satisfactory answer. For one thing I'm able to think for myself (and yes I know you are not suggesting otherwise).

For me the likely next source of any real information will be when the company has to lodge its next set of accounts at companies house. It's likely that only its financial performance will give a true understanding of what's happening behind the scenes.
Can you rephrase this? I'm a bit confused as to what you are saying.

For example.

The RM in 1.2 I believe was going to include the ability to support paid addons directly. (Eg click the buy button and be directed to paypal).

If released now for 1.1.3 that functionality would not be there.

Now an addon author could make that paid functionality themselves... as it is highly requested... but you would be doing so knowing that when the offical update to 1.2 RM comes it will include that functionality anyway.
Well it appears as though development is on hold which sort of precludes those kinds of announcements.
OK, that is considered a partial update in my books. We know that 1.2 was delayed for the last 6 months and now we know that nobody is working on XenForo anymore. However... if any of the developers left, it must be announced. Is common practice on any company to announce the absence, departure or arrival of key parties. Can we also know what was done so far in XenForo 1.2? What new features are already coded, implemented? It takes 30min to create a detailed post and will make A LOT of people happy.
I am still a bit confused as to why K&M can't answer our questions without needing to go through Jake and Slavik, I think it's great that you are getting us answers but why can they not post in the community themselves?
Well it appears as though development is on hold which sort of precludes those kinds of announcements.

We know that 1.2 was delayed for the last 6 months and now we know that nobody is working on XenForo anymore.

I like my phrasing better. Yours has a doomsday tone to it. But it's your perspective so be it.

However... if any of the developers left, it must be announced.

No such announcement has been made, so I guess that means...

Can we also know what was done so far in XenForo 1.2?

Maaaaybe. Consider the question submitted.
I like my phrasing better. Yours has a doomsday tone to it. But it's your perspective so be it.
Why don't you prove me wrong instead of playing with words and "perspectives", is so easy to do it no?
Edit: Actually, this is wrong, if not your job to prove nor you are culprit of anything.
The developers should be able to prove me wrong. :)
There is no grey area, is either YES or NO. Until proven wrong, my conclusion is that:
1) the developers did not worked on XenForo 1.2 for last 6 months
2) 1.2 is vaporware

Eliminating the above affirmations takes 30 minutes and a refusal to do so will only cement into people's mind the crude reality (if that is the case). Yet, that does not represent damage for XenForo, but simply the honest truth, which should of been presented 6 months ago and would of avoided tons of crazy interactions into forums.

Let me put this clear: I have NO problems at all with the fact that nothing was done related to development during this time. In fact, is good for the guys because they needed to breath. What I have a problem with was the fact that it was hidden and non-transparent, which to me is very illogical. Of course that is my opinion... and I'm pretty sure many others would share it.
I don't understand what more you expect Jake to tell you or anyone for that matter.

From Jake, nothing, he owes us nothing.

From XenForo, what is actually going on, what is their game plan for next six months. What will and will not happen with the software in that time.
Ask uncomfortable questions and non-employees Jake and Slavik can rightfully claim that they have not the slightest clue. And since there're no more employees left to ask (and to receive an answer from), you're questions will remain unanswered. It's a common tactic of companies who have to hide something.

What are we hiding?
No such announcement has been made, so I guess that means...

That either

1) There's something that should be announced but hasn't been
2) There's nothing to announce

You're assuming that it's 2 but a lot of people are worried that it's 1 so an explicit answer that KAM are all onboard and looking to take XF forward once the lawsuit is out of the way would be the kind of thing people want to hear and would literally take them seconds to confirm.
The same was stated months ago, except then it was stated that development was still ongoing. Nothing is being told about the actual state of XF and its development. We aren't any smarter than we were months ago. Employees don't listen anymore, they have deserted this community. Volunteers are trying to rescue this sinking ship, but they are helpless because they don't know anything more than we do.

That was 3.5 months ago that Kier stated development is ongoing. About 5 weeks later it was announced 1.2 is delayed. And then today it was announced 1.2 is still delayed for the reasons of the lawsuit and personal issues.

So yeah. That is the state of XenForo's development right there.
Volunteers are trying to rescue this sinking ship, but they are helpless because they don't know anything more than we do.
Personally, I don't see XenForo as sinking ship after what I found out from Jake moments ago.
If 6 months ago we would've read this announcement:
"We decided to put on hold the current Xenforo development until the lawsuit is settled. It affects our personal lives and does not makes us productive at all. During this time, we will continue to support security issues."
people would've embraced with a lot of grace the idea. I just don't understand why it was not done and instead we got served salads and "clean and transparent" phrases. It took them 3 years to write vBulletin 3 and everyone waited. The problem is: we don't know if the developers actually plan to continue the work on the product.
Well I can't argue against conspiracies and alleged unannounced secrets. Carry on I guess.

You do realise it's those rumours that are doing the most damage and they're only doing that because of how KAM have acted? It'd be so simple to squash all those stupid rumours. We're not asking you to argue against them, if you (or Brogan) could have done that we'd have no issue but you can't. We just want a definitive statement from KAM along the lines of "KAM are all onboard and looking to take XF forward once the lawsuit is out of the way".
Well I can't argue against conspiracies and alleged unannounced secrets. Carry on I guess.
Carry on with what? The XenForo development is on hold and nobody is working on the product until the lawsuit is settled. End of story, is very clear.
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