August Update discussion thread.

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Well if there was ever a way to slyly bash your competitors, while at the same time trying to take their customers then this has to be it:
Our staff is engaged in the community
We talk to clients, joke with clients, and listen to feedback.

Active, responsive development
Perhaps our biggest advantage and difference is our continual development and improvements. You will never see us sitting around idle. We never abandon our clients and allow our software to stagnate.

Quips clearly aimed at XenForo's direction.
Although the update didn't say a lot, it's said enough for me at the moment. My forum is stable and as security patches will be released, I can hold on.

Right now, my forum is running better than it ever did, I was an early adopter of vB4, the resource hungry POS that it was (I'm guessing still is), so for me, XF is fantastic. I hope that K+M can work out their differences (I have no interest in what they are, just that they can work things out) and hang on financially until the trial in January, I would expect that all three of them have had to find a new source of income whilst IB try their best to ruin the company, drain it of it's cash and wear the three of them (and seemingly the once loyal customers) down, I wouldn't begrudge them of this, we've all got to live. Hopefully we'll get that answer via Jake and Slavik so that particular discussion can be put to bed.

In regards to Kier and Mike not posting, I expect everything they post on here and anywhere else is scrutinised by IB's cash hungry lawyers, it's only going to take a letter with an extract from a post on here to make them think twice about posting anything.

The only question I have, has probably been covered by previous posters, but to type it out:

Assuming the case is won by XF in January, will both Mike and Kier return to developing the site?

Thanks Jake and Slavik for taking on this responsibility, I'm sure there are a million and one reasons for KAM not posting, so it's good that we've got you guys involved (not to mention fixing our issues!)
Actually i do have a very real question...

Why did i have to pay a renewal fee simply to add my Server Administrator to the list of authorized forum users?? $40.00 to add a name to a list when development has stopped seems kind of shady.
Don't blow it out of proportion. It has been that way since the beginning when development was active and rapid, it probably just made sense to them at the time. I agree though that it'd be nice to be able to add authorized forum users with an expired license at this point - though tbh I'd probably just submit a ticket for that if my license were expired. I think they'd probably do it manually.

(Before anyone shouts about not being able to submit a ticket with an expired license, submits a ticket)
Well considering development has stalled i consider the question valid.. I really had no intentions of renewing until 1.2 and im still on an older version of XF.. But found it was required to make account changes.. Now the clock is ticking and i again have a horse in this race.. Actually none of these conversations would have interested me in the least until i had to re up for something so trivial.
I didn't say your question wasn't valid - I said I don't feel it's "shady," just something that they haven't considered since development slowed down.

Again you probably wouldn't have had to reup if you contacted them, I feel pretty certain they'd accomodate you.
Not if something is sealed.
Legally, both parties are obliged to disclose the information publicly. By sealed, you mean something arranged directly between both parties in private? Ya, we could never know for sure. But that would imply XenForo Ltd. and IB are negotiating an arrangement which will obviously be the end of XenForo.
There was no reason to even start it.
Speak for yourself... We'd like to speak about the announcement, ya know. Unlike vBulletin.

They allow it in the licensed forum, but not publically, because they're scared of negative feedback in public.

xenForo "has never held back" negative feedback... :D
Speak for yourself... We'd like to speak about the announcement, ya know. Unlike vBulletin.

They allow it in the licensed forum, but not publically, because they're scared of negative feedback in public.

xenForo "has never held back" negative feedback... :D
nope as they know they can make it positive.
The intention of this thread and announcement was very good, but again, some people just destroyed it.

You know, some people you will never satisfy, no matter what you do. No matter what you post, they will ask for more.

The strategy of internet brands is to break the confidence in the future of XF. IB does not need to win the lawsuit. They just need to prolongue this fighting to either make XF bankrupt or the xF community break apart, whatever happens first.

And you guys fall for IB line without realizing it...
Speak for yourself... We'd like to speak about the announcement, ya know. Unlike vBulletin.

They allow it in the licensed forum, but not publically, because they're scared of negative feedback in public.

xenForo "has never held back" negative feedback... :D
Really? What do you call posts being deleted?
I never had a post deleted on vB.
The intention of this thread and announcement was very good, but again, some people just destroyed it.

You know, some people you will never satisfy, no matter what you do. No matter what you post, they will ask for more.

The strategy of internet brands is to break the confidence in the future of XF. IB does not need to win the lawsuit. They just need to prolongue this fighting to either make XF bankrupt or the xF community break apart, whatever happens first.

And you guys fall for IB line without realizing it...
I can appreciate Ashley's announcement. This thread is just people reading into it.
The intention of this thread and announcement was very good, but again, some people just destroyed it.

You know, some people you will never satisfy, no matter what you do. No matter what you post, they will ask for more.

The strategy of internet brands is to break the confidence in the future of XF. IB does not need to win the lawsuit. They just need to prolongue this fighting to either make XF bankrupt or the xF community break apart, whatever happens first.

And you guys fall for IB line without realizing it...
It's a given that XenForo will have it's haters and people who really care about it's future.

Unfortunately this situation means we get both people with legitimate concerns and the trolls who have nothing better to do with their lives other than to come here, wind people up and create rumours.

The biggest problem is trying to differentiate between the two.
It's a given that XenForo will have it's haters and people who really care about it's future.
I certainly am not a hater.
I look forward to renewing my 4 licenses and my 5th when it comes due. And hopefully there will be some addons that come online that I can use.
For now my forums are in limbo I am not willing to invest any time or money into them until I know what the future holds.
Right now it's wait and see. Until there is an outcome to the law suit, it really is futile to speculate.
There are only 3 people that know what is going on and they aren't going to say anything publicly.
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