August Update discussion thread.

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If things are looking dim in the case, would KAM consider open sourcing xenforo to the community before a court rules that they must cease distributing it?

I think the courts would view that action as vindictive and could possibly lead to sanctions.
Actually i do have a very real question...

Why did i have to pay a renewal fee simply to add my Server Administrator to the list of authorized forum users?? $40.00 to add a name to a list when development has stopped seems kind of shady.
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Again you could be wrong, this is a case in the UK which I believe we don't know anything about...
If there would be a legal injunction to stop producing code in either US or UK they would've post it as announcement. Plus, Shamil is keeping track of this very closely and someone would've posted something.
If there would be a legal injunction to stop producing code in either US or UK they would've post it as announcement. Plus, Shamil is keeping track of this very closely and someone would've posted something.

Not if something is sealed.
If ever there was a time for a group of developers to develop a cutting-edge alternative to both Xenforo and Vbulletin, that time is right NOW. This lawsuit is leaving a massive 6 -12 month window of opportunity, which is very rare.
If ever there was a time for a group of developers to develop a cutting-edge alternative to both Xenforo and Vbulletin, that time is right NOW. This lawsuit is leaving a massive 6 -12 month window of opportunity, which is very rare.
Nice going, Internet Brands! :mad:

I had the idea of making a forum software, but Kier/Mike/Ashley were one step ahead of me. :( I had this exact same idea.
If ever there was a time for a group of developers to develop a cutting-edge alternative to both Xenforo and Vbulletin, that time is right NOW. This lawsuit is leaving a massive 6 -12 month window of opportunity, which is very rare.
...and it's a great time for capitalising on pissed off XenForo customers.
If there would be a legal injunction to stop producing code in either US or UK they would've post it as announcement. Plus, Shamil is keeping track of this very closely and someone would've posted something.

There is only one injunction that Shamil can not track that's a super injunction but the cost is around 100k and that something Internet Brands can pay. Do not know if US has the same kind of injunction. An Ex Parte should turn up in the US system unless the Judge ruled to keep it a secret, there are a few that you can't read but the content is known by some error they made.

What people forget at this point is that the software is now 6 months behind the initial release dates that where then set out, if this continues you have software that will be 9 to 10 months behind that would mean that from that point the competition is gaining or even overtaken Xenforo. The competition is not siting still if you look at other payed forum software you see people leaving Xenforo. The people leaving will not deliver cash to Xenforo and in some cases they can talk to other forum owners not to buy Xenforo or leave it behind.
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