XF 2.1 Attachments not found after import


Well-known member

I hope I found a reasonable solution to the issue.

I was doing an import operation from vb 3.8.11 to XF 2.1.7

The operation was done fine,

but with attachment, the import not working perfectly,

in Vb there more than 50.000 attachments, but after import, I found just 80

Thank You,
Sorry for the mistake (80 files are uploaded after import) there nothing imported.
In that case, as Chris said above, it was most likely a file path issue.

As previously mentioned, it isn't possible to do a partial import, so typically you would need to do it over.

There is one possible way of doing it but it would require a lot of manual intervention.
You would essentially do another import into a new XF database, then copy the attachment tables and files to the existing XF site.

However, any attachments which have been uploaded to the existing XF installation would no longer work and would need to be re-uploaded individually.

You would have to weight up the pros and cons of both approaches.
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