Well-known member
So this works just fine.
This does not:
customproperty1 and customproperty2 being just custom style properties that are # fields.
So... is there a way of having a single custom style property that you could fill in: '1', '2', '3' in the style property itself and load it into the array? Or do you have to have a box for each item you want? I think XF1 was the same way but just checking.
{{ in_array($node.node_id, ['1', '2']) ? 'true' : 'false' }}
This does not:
{{ in_array($node.node_id, ['{{ property('customproperty1') }}', '{{ property('customproperty2') }}']) ? 'working' : 'stillworking' }}
customproperty1 and customproperty2 being just custom style properties that are # fields.
So... is there a way of having a single custom style property that you could fill in: '1', '2', '3' in the style property itself and load it into the array? Or do you have to have a box for each item you want? I think XF1 was the same way but just checking.