Apply Name Change to quotes & user mentions (GDPR)


Well-known member
The EU GDPR forces a right to be forgotten which means that we need to be able to remove the name of person from our site. Currently this is not fully possible, except manually. Because user mentions and quotes still include the name. For big boards its not feasible to manually edit all posts. I have 2 million posts on my site and just 2 admins.

For example: at the current time I have 5600 posts here on If I would request a name change, then there's probably around 1k quotes and tags with my name in it. Its not feasible to manually edit that.

So please add a function that scans the database for quotes and user mentions for the user and replaces the name of the user.
Upvote 61
An other non-permanent option is to censor the name (or change it to other) with the already build in function.
Would that be Options>>Censoring>> then add their name on the left and what you want it to be on the right? Would that work for quotes too?
Can't you just use a wordfilter (profanity filter) in most cases? I once had a company send a lawyer to bother me because a user chose the same name as their company trademark. The user had already been banned so I just renamed the user and then used a wordfilter to change his username mentions into something else.
Did that work for quotes too? What add-on is that?
Any further discussion/support on censoring should be posted in the relevant customer forum, not this suggestion thread.
It's confusing why the names cannot be changed, when the replies themselves are actually calling the member ID number and not the name.

How is this not considered a major bug to fix, seems pretty straight forward to me?
Can this be implemented in a future Xenforo version? We have continue request to remove quoted nicknames and nicknames falls under "personal data" if the user uses the same nickname on Instagram, Steam, Facebook, Twitch etc. and doesn't want to be associated to an identity in our forum.

@Kier thanks for the reply.
How feasible would a feature like this before for a large forum with multiple millions of posts? I assume this is one thing that would need to be considered. Would it have to slowly scan through millions of posts in search of the username?
I don't get why there's so much pushback on the this suggestion. The UK's ICO is quite clear on what constitutes 'identifiability' and that clearly includes usernames.


An individual’s social media ‘handle’ or username, which may seem anonymous or nonsensical, is still sufficient to identify them as it uniquely identifies that individual. The username is personal data if it distinguishes one individual from another regardless of whether it is possible to link the ‘online’ identity with a ‘real world’ named individual.

Surely a username is a username wherever it appears? In my view the argument that a member chose to put PII on the Internet does not absolve the platform owner of their obligations under GDPR no matter how ridiculous we may think they are.
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