Anyway to change order of media during uploading


Well-known member
I have a question about order of media during upload.

If i have 5 files and i name them:


When i upload them and i press "save" It saves them in this order:
from filename biggest to smallest number

Is it possible to save them in reverse order.

Is there a reason why it saves from filename biggest number to smallest?
I find this strange when you are uploading images and u want to show people pictures in order

Link- Number Test Order
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If I recall, it uploads files in the order they are added prior to hitting the upload button and displayed them in reverse order of upload ie the latest is shown first.

You can change the order of media in albums if you have the appropriate set custom order permissions.
They are indeed added in upload order though the exact behaviour may depend on browser and OS.

If you can't get the exact desired order by selecting multiple files in a specific order you may want to upload them individually. Meaning click upload and select 5 first. Then click again select 4 etc.
I have tried Select All
I have tried Holding Ctrl then clicking in order starting from 1 2 3 4 5
I have tried Holding Ctrl then clicking in order starting from 5 4 3 2 1
I have tried holding Ctrl then clicking 1,2, then 3,4, then 5

But they always sort from 5,4,3,2,1,

I could upload them individually, but when you are usually uploading pictures between 100-200 photos each time.
This would take too long.

I could change the order of the pictures after uploading, but when you are usually uploading pictures between 100-200 sorting them takes too long. And also the sorting feature doesn't work too well. As you can see here:

There is too much space. It should be more like facebook. Where it is just a square. So you can fit more pictures in the screen to sort.
And also when i hold and click on a picture and move it up the brower doesn't move up. So i have to unclick and move the scroll bar up and then go back to move it. It takes way too long

I've only tested this in Chrome

The only solution i've found is manually changing the picture set numbers.

Then when i upload them it will upload 100,99,98... etc

Which is kinda annoying. Since if i take pictures on my camera it would be a set of SGH.100,102,103.. etc then i have to rename the numbers.

Most people use Select -All and upload pictures.
No i didn't. I didn't know about that feature/i didn't notice it.

But i just tried it and it works great!! Now i can easily sort hundreds of photos in one click even without renaming them.

Now the problem i am facing is that after i upload a set pictures and press "Save"

I go into the "Sort Section" and sort by title and press "save" and guess what...

The Media Index and Media Block is still in the order that you uploaded it...

So if you have a picture set of a car you are building.. it starts backwards in the media index because the sorting doesn't change it.

Having an option to sort during upload would make more sense.

Especially when you are adding pictures every day to the same album.

It would be like having the thread posts from New To Old . It doesn't work well for albums.

So for example. If i keep adding images to the album... day after day..

Day 1.

Now my album looks like this.
Picture3, Picture2, Picture1

Picture 4

Now my album looks like this.

Picture3, Picture2, Picture1
Picture6, Picture5 ,Picture4

The order doesn't make sense!!
If i were to sort them, then it would make sense, but the media index would still not look in the correct order.

This is why sorting during upload is much better.

I'll have to make a suggestion for this...
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If the Media Gallery didn't save the pictures inreverse..

Then, I don't think we would need sorting during upload?

So for example. If i keep adding images to the album... day after day..

Day 1.

Now my album looks like this.
Picture1, Picture3, Picture3

Picture 4

Now my album looks like this.

Picture1, Picture2, Picture3
Picture4, Picture5 ,Picture6

It would work!!!

But whats the reason, it always puts the newly uploaded pictures at the beginning inside an album?

It would make more sense if everytime i uploaded pictures to an album that already had photos, it would automatically save them after the old photos.

I understand for the media index.. its recent uploaded media...

But for albums? its doesnt look right

if not..
It would be like putting the new posts at the beginning of a thread...
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As you can see here:

I made a photo album of every 15 mintues... and it saves weird!


now when someone visits my album, it is backwards.

new photos should automatically save after old ones
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