Anyone use maxcdn?


Active member
Has anyone here set up their xenForo forum to utilize maxcdn? I've had a go at it and so have my other staff members and we can't figure out why it's just not working. There's no integration plug-in for xenForo right now but it's a CDN, it shouldn't be hard to set up manually.

Edit: Okay so I've got the CNAMEs and what not right. A friend tells me I need to edit each .css file and the urls in it for the styles. What's left me confused is I have no idea exactly what to edit. I haven't got a clue with these files.
Also the CDN datapath would prevent people from uploading their avatar as it will go back to the cached version. Disable the datapath solves it.

So right now, all CDN are disabled until we can find out more problems/solutions.
Is a CDN really worth getting or more of a hassle? What about cloudflare? There was a thread on here about them and feedback has been postive. I have a VPS, just wondering if I should plan for a CDN or not bother.
Only attachment thumbnails should be currently working with the default CDN setup explained in this thread. Full size attachments still are served from your server.

I have all my attachments accessible to guests and would like to serve full size attachments from CDN - has anyone successfully done this ?
Maybe post the lines in your config file so we can see what it looks like?

Also, if it is a new MaxCDN account, I would email them to make sure everything is working properly. Sometimes, you need them to look at your account to make sure it got setup properly.
Here is what I have:

$config['externalDataUrl'] = ‘’;
$config['javaScriptUrl'] = ‘’;

I've been using MaxCDN for a little over a year. I'm going to try and setup a new Pull Zone to see if that for some reason fixes it.
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