Anyone planning on getting an iPhone 4S? (was iPhone 5)

To bad Apple's iPhone 4S won't leapfrog the people they're imitating now :).
Seriously? Apple creates something where there was nothing. Other vendors copy the design and make iterative improvements. Apple makes even greater improvements to the product they created, and you call it imitating?

We're all fans of the technology we've adopted, but that shouldn't override intellectual honesty.
Seriously? Apple creates something where there was nothing. Other vendors copy the design and make iterative improvements. Apple makes even greater improvements to the product they created, and you call it imitating?

We're all fans of the technology we've adopted, but that shouldn't override intellectual honesty.

This is like a competing forum software. You don't rely on your glory days, if you cannot consistently innovate then accept this don't make excuses for <insert company here>.
A fairly underwhelming event to say the least.

A post on Engadget pretty much sums it up nicely: "1:26 PM That got applause. People seem desperate to clap for something. That was it."
As far as I am concerned ALL smartphones are computers , and ALL companies are biting off of the inventor of this
...whatever...the cycle continues. I wonder if you had to agree to some terms of service to use it?
And the iPhone looked uncannily like the LG Prada (which was announced in 2006). It also wasn't the first phone to use apps or present them in much the same way they do now. They're all imitating each other.
And the iPhone looked uncannily like the LG Prada (which was announced in 2006). It also wasn't the first phone to use apps or present them in much the same way they do now. They're all imitating each other.
But most of the other manufacturers don't sue for form factor and looks :rolleyes:.
And the iPhone looked uncannily like the LG Prada (which was announced in 2006). It also wasn't the first phone to use apps or present them in much the same way they do now. They're all imitating each other.
Wow it does kind of look like an iThing
This is like a competing forum software. You don't rely on your glory days, if you cannot consistently innovate then accept this don't make excuses for <insert company here>.
Not exactly a proper comparison. In terms of software, what was unveiled today is clearly head and shoulders above the competition. From an engineering standpoint, I get that. I do.

But its hard to get excited about software when the anticipation was for the hardware improvements. Sure, they were there too, but not enough.

Apple typically exceeds expectations on a new product rollout.

This? This fell short. In the past, they controlled the expectations. Today, they didn't control the agenda, Samsung did. And all the software improvements and innovations doesn't make up for falling short on the hardware.

No, I don't make excuses. Assistant blows away anything on an Android. Not even close.

iCloud? Just a sexy way of saying, "Here's 5GB. Its cheaper to put it on the network than in your handset and we'll call it a feature".

But the hardware...

Can't get past it. No love for Apple on this.

But it doesn't make Samsung an innovator. It doesn't make Android ad innovator either. The proof is that Apple drives the market direction.

Still, its a fickle world we live in. This was a misstep. Luckily it was a misstep on the hardware side only. It only takes a few missteps to lose market dominance. Just as Sybase, Sun or HP.
As far as I am concerned ALL smartphones are computers , and ALL companies are biting off of the inventor of this
...whatever...the cycle continues. I wonder if you had to agree to some terms of service to use it?
They can all thank Xerox for not knowing what they had and Gates and Jobs for being smart enough to steal it.
No, I don't make excuses. Assistant blows away anything on an Android. Not even close.

I work with speech recognition a lot, and one of the unique things about Siri is the flexible natural language processing and it's forgiving interface. I've been intrigued by it since they launched, even more so when Apple bought them in April -- a signal that Apple would move deeper into voice activated search.

But it's still very much a big IF. Apple already released Voice Control which has a less-than-stellar reputation. Speech recognition demos differ widely from how it works in the wild. The person doing the demo gets the benefit of being able to remove all the semantic noise from the system (ie., people who aren't Phil Schiller or his wife, choosing "Greek restaurants" instead of a phrase that is easily confused with another, etc.), leaving only signal.

If it performs like they say, it'll be stellar, but voice recognition rarely is and does. Only time will tell if it "blows away anything on Android." One thing Apple does have in its favor is that Siri's original team is largely still intact and working on the product.
And they just pulled the app from the app store, I noticed heh.

Now I get a nice little message when trying to use it, "I've been replaced! The new Siri is even smarter and better looking than me, and waiting for you on the iPhone 4S. I'll be leaving for home Oct 15th. Until can I help you?"

Hint, hint...

Edit: Seems like Vlingo has released their own app for iPhone/Android/Blackberry as well, which is what Siri used on the backend before Apple acquired them. Might have to give it a spin for now.
But it doesn't make Samsung an innovator. It doesn't make Android ad innovator either. The proof is that Apple drives the market direction.
You should accept the reality that Apple is not a leader into mobile market anymore. I know it hurts your feelings since you are a hardcore Apple fan, but it is a reality presented by Apple CEO:


I have no idea how Apple got 43% of the mobile market, since they only sold 128 million iPhones:


One thing is certain, iPhone had 2 years ago a 72% market share and now is only 43% (if the numbers are accurate). In one year Android will take over and keep on sky-rocketing. As for hardware, the results speak for themselves, look at all the green Galaxy S2 has.

You can talk for hours about innovation, it will just not hold. It is not the first time Apple "steals" ideas from others and make them their own, that includes hardware and software (FreeBSD rings a bell?). Is like telling me that Ford and other american companies were original and true innovators to make the first cars, yet the jap/german engineering kicked their asses on all levels. You are holding on a pride thread that is thinner than a hair, instead accepting the reality that Apple is not a mobile leader and there are other companies that make much better mobile products. Still, is a consumer choice. You can love Apple as much as you want, it is your right to be duped on a regular basis.

As a side note, you can have the best hardware in the world... without good software the hardware is worth nothing. Try to get the same results with your "innovator" iPhone 4S:

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