Anyone planning on getting an iPhone 4S? (was iPhone 5)

The link I posted to the uk site was just a random site I found via google.. sorry, did not mean to imply it was anything special.
The link I posted to the uk site was just a random site I found via google.. sorry, did not mean to imply it was anything special.
no no, I wasn't complaining, lol. Just the times on the posts confused me. And we all know how easily confused I am. :rolleyes:

iMessage is a new messaging service between iOS users. It supports iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

I am lost for words how funny I find this :)
Brilliant isn't it, how apple can take being social via instant messaging, lock it down and limit it to apple product users and brainwash people into thinking its a great idea :)

You continue to insult people by insisting they're brainwashed. Do you try, or does it just come naturally?
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