Anyone here a professional developer/programmer?

Liam W

in memoriam 1998-2020
I have this annoying PD homework I have to do where I have to 'interview' someone in the job I'm interesting in doing in the future.

I sent a PC to @Mike, but as I anticipated he has yet to reply, most likely due to busyness.

If anyone else could do it, here are the questions. I only need one person to do it :)

Person interviewed:
Current employer:
Number of years in job:
Title in job:
Qualifications required for job:
Skills required for job:
Positive things about job:
Has your industry changed over the years?
Total number of jobs held during career:
Main activities of current job:
Other experiences required before starting job:
Qualifications required for current job:
Negative things about job:
How might your industry change in the future?

I have to do a presentation on this in PD tomorrow... *sigh*
I knew it was a bad idea to leave this til the day before...

I was planning on posting this the day I got it, I promise!
I would help, but I'm technically only on a placement year and as such have not held the job for over a year yet - meaning most of your questions wouldn't particularly apply ;)
I would help, but I'm technically only on a placement year and as such have not held the job for over a year yet - meaning most of your questions wouldn't particularly apply ;)

Well, it would be better than nothing ;)

I need something by 6AM BST, so I can prepare the PowerPoint.
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